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Electric Motorcycles


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On one of the Trials TV DVD's (can't remember which one) there is a quick shot of video at a honda tent showing off a prototype Honda Electric Trials bike. The engine appeared to be stuffed into the 315 frame... never heard or saw anything about it since... it certainly would have been a thousand times better than the Denali, which was more mountain bike parts than trials bike parts.. The denali wouldn't stand the abuse by anyone more than a novice.

sometimes I wonder about electric trials bikes.. I think they'd have awesome torque, but IMO, you would still need some type of clutch in order to obtain absolutely hair-trigger instant power to do things like zaps, splatters, etc. yes, the throttle controls power, but I think at times the clutch is almost more important for how we control a trials motorcycle. While I'm at it, wouldn't you also need a flywheel, in cases where you might want to rev the engine to store energy in the flywheel, and then use the clutch to release it for huge obstacles? Curious thoughts.

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This MXer has been compared to a CR250.

Based on the SM video on the site, I think they have a LONG, LONG way to go before it gets compared to a CR250 :) The big bikes were going by in on the back straight like it was chained to a post :(

I actually think the trials is probably the most reasonable competition application.

Pretty cool none the less.

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The Denali guys brought a trailer full of these bikes out to El Trial a few years back and, I'm not positive, but I seem to remember Geoff putting the bike to the test in a fashion that only he can. They seemed to do alright, not competition for the upper class but then again not to far away. Pretty cool concept.

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