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Power Balance Band


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As a once practicing hynotherapist I understand very well the power of suggestion and that some types are more predisposed towards it,

I'm trying not to offend anyone here but I think chewy has hit the nail on the head, there is so much B.S. floating around about harmony,frequency,spirituality, inner energy/kharma,chi,kai...call it what you will.

I'm all for the concept of the well rounded individual , you know, trying to get a balance in your life e.g. I have a very sedate,quiet job I live in a household with 3 other females ,have a soppy dawg and I love helping the kids out with their home-work..... so I like to even it out with a little martial arts training,going out on the **** from time to time and of course some off-road bike riding.

That's my idea of balance.

Here's a Chi/kai/inner energy master colliding with the real world :crying:

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Matter (anything which a physical object is made of) has a frequency. Everything in the world is made of matter and has a vibrational frequency even thoughts/emotions as they're often measured (EEG etc). Theirs a study in which athletes were measured visualizing running their race. They picked up the same brain activity and the muscles still fired in the same way due to being sent the message from the brain.

I've worn a similar device for many years and have put quite a few of my clients in them depending upon how receptive I think they'll be. It cost a lot more than that one does but I've proved to myself that their is a benefit and I wouldn't be without it.

I originally thought it was a placebo effect but knowing thoughts have such a positive effect I was quite willing to pay out once for something which would 'make me believe' I was stronger. However on a few occasions the cord has snapped (almost 10 years old remember) I've not realized its been missing but have felt awful to the point where I ended up in lay in bed. Same has happened for a client who rang me to tell me he had been ill all day until the hotel staff from where he'd stayed for work rang to say he'd left his in the hotel shower.

We're constantly surrounded by unnatural frequencies such as light sources, mobiles etc so an item that attempts to 'ground' you is worth a shot if your open to the facts about electrical activity in the brain/body.

So placebo or not if anything is going to work and have a positive effect on your bodies electrical system (we do work from electrical activity). Try the muscle tests from the opposite way. Get someone to assess your strength and then pick up a mobile phone or watch with a battery and retest. Or go the whole hog and test yourself after saying your weak 3 or 4 times. I won't even get started with a client unless they're 100% positive that they'll achieve the goal. If I get a doubter in what I'm doing then its a complete waste of their time and money. We've all gone into a section certain in our mind we'll 5 it and thoughts become actions.

I'm going to test one of them on myself so I'll report back if I notice anything different, won't be a double blind placebo but they can often get the answer they want anyway so I believe on seeing how it works personally. Sadly we still don't have many answers to a lot of things but it doesn't mean they don't work.

The film 'what the bleep' explains the subject very well. Somehow they made quantum physics into a good movie so you don't actually realise your learning.

I used like Quantum leap. :crying:

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I took the iron out for a couple of hours tonight, and couldn't balance for toffee, to be honest Im not very good at balancing on the bike anyway, but tonight was dreadful.

Couldn't help but feel afterwards that it's because I don't have a one of these wrist band thingys.........or it might have been that I was just having a s**t day.

Don't know if this is relevant but, I put the stabilizers back on my little girls bike (shes not ready) just before I took mine for a spin?????????????? Subconcious.......Hmmmmmm ?

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Matter (anything which a physical object is made of) has a frequency.......

(Just cut out the middle bit as I'm sure you know what you posted!) <_<

......they want anyway so I believe on seeing how it works personally. Sadly we still don't have many answers to a lot of things but it doesn't mean they don't work.

The film 'what the bleep' explains the subject very well. Somehow they made quantum physics into a good movie so you don't actually realise your learning.

I have watched 'what the bleep' and after doing so read a bit about quantum physics as (bit of a geek) i find it damn interesting! I'm also an ex sort of martial artist so I've read a bit about chi and cultivating energy and things.

My point would be if it works on a scientific level and it is the band itself causing the effect it should be able to be proved scientifically that it works on everyone. If it only works on some people then I'd venture its the people themselves causing the change by a change in thinking patterns.

If it's the person's mind that causes the change then surely we could all train our minds to accomplish this change (meditating, tai chi, or just doing positive thinking exercises al la sports psychology) for free without buying the bracelet.

Mind you its probably cheaper than hiring a sports psychology coach!

I hope that made sense, its late and i'm :crying: !

All the best! B)

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