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18 Months Of High.......


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I remember when you could walk in a bank do your banking and walk out,thats not the case nowadays,you walk in you get to the counter they log into your account they see you have more than a fiver in your account so then they try and sell you one of there products that will never be any good to anyone apart from the bank.

No doubt the banks have put the front of house staff and service centre staff on minimum pay on the purpose that they have to hard sell to customers,Theres a time and place for everything,if a customer has a complaint then the banking staffs energies should be concentrated on the complaint and not an opportunity to brush my complaint aside because she was more concerned about who was going to pay her shoe bill at the end of the month.Anyway after she stopped trying to sell me an insurance on top of my other insurance she did'nt have a clue on how to answer my complaint so i had to go up one that was the one i was expecting to get at the start.

I think you've probably gauged it spot on. \i know within the call ccenters the message really is to help the customer, think of yourself as the customer etc etc. There's no underhand work going on in ours (as far as I know). The idea is a happy customer will come back. Not the banks words, but mine - You can shear a sheep many times, but you'll only skin it once.

The trouble is, and you're right again, if some poorly paid bloke or lass is given a bonus for selling payment insurtance, he's going to try to slot it in there. He wants to feed his family.

What's the alternative? Higher paid customer service staff. The first time something like the credit crunch comes along, some bright spark spots a massive potential saving - outsource these jobs to India (South America is next, India is becoming expensive and eventually the people that make the decisions are realising the poor level of service loses customers).

Vote with your feet, complain about poor service, but try to pass on thanks for good service (although it should be expected). It's the way the blind bosses get to see who is really making a difference.

By the way, this is not too close to me, I just fix networks and see these poor feckers day in day out. Although I've just been outsourced too, and our new company has big plans for what is no longer called "Off-shoring", it is now called "Best-Shoring" - hmmm best for who?

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When you look at what the Tories have done so far it's all largely ideological. Minimise public services to whatever they can get away with, they did it in the early 80's and they are doing it again. They'll scale the military back as much as possible, Kinloss or Lossiemouth plus Leuchars and probably 45 Commando at Arbroath will go in Scotland. They've put a wage freeze in place...much the same as the Labour party's attempts at restricting pay rises. Next on the agenda will be privatisations except they sold off the family silver last time round, BA, BT, BP etc etc, the Royal Mint is next, DVLA and the Passport Agency are on the agenda as well, object to paying nearly

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Isn't that the normal way of doing things, get rid the those at the coalface while keeping the higher paid managers. That way when service/efficiency suffers you can either hire more staff(managers) or give 1 of your mates a contract to provide a lesser service at a higher cost while blaming the previous goverment & the staff you laid off for the whole mess

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Labour and that grinning monkey Blair started the trend in increasing the numbers of managers and across the whole of the public sector; it's this swathe of middle to upper management groups that are draining the resources out of the public sector. We've a group of about 90 who have no impact on what we do yet are taking overtopped salaries of around
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Ham2 have you got that bike out yet, Ive a shed full of tyres for you now.

TC is good value for you mate, it normally takes two pints of shandy to make you barf ! ^_^

SHANDY!,shandy=lager=beer?Oh no,no,no....

....How many times do I have to tell thee....

As for the bike, I've just stripped it to steep the exhaust and do the 'Dan' clutch mods (out of boredom),so that'll only take,well? if it's August now?....

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SHANDY!,shandy=lager=beer?Oh no,no,no....

....How many times do I have to tell thee....

As for the bike, I've just stripped it to steep the exhaust and do the 'Dan' clutch mods (out of boredom),so that'll only take,well? if it's August now?....

You had hair then? Was it you on the left?

Well, if you are indeed going to do up the clutch, just sit there a bit longer and put the diagonal cut into EACH of the little pads on the plates using the precision V file!

Not too much, about three swipes on each pad will doo it!

Smooth the grooves in the basket as well! ^_^

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After multiple 60 hour weeks and a virtually abandoned gasgas in the garage i can not process my own thoughts. The economy is BAD for my area due to the automotive industry when you don't have an education. If you have an education you would be dumb to move to detroit to get into this industry for fear of the recent past. The only tool that i have to counteract that is cash. People are getting picky again about jobs in engineering but that may not last for long. And its frickin 90 out here every day all damn day (as a northern boy thats tooooo damn much) Product launches are a beotch.


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