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Tlr 200 Road Equipement


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Just after some advice if poss.

I'm in the process of buying a Honda TLR 200. The bike is nearly identicle to the one posted by HondaRS in the Honda section on Trials Central, entitled - 600 mile TLR.

As I hope to ride the bike in the easier trials around the area I plan to strip all the road going kit from the bike. Lights, indicators, ignition switch, battery etc.... and the 20 year old origional tyres, but not the gold wheels.

My question is what should I do with it all? Do I keep it all in a big box and pass it on to the next owner? Could be several years. Or if there is a ready market for these parts, do I sell them?

It goes against the grain to pay for something (all the road kit) and then bin it, but I feel examples like this one are far and few between and the end result should be a great little bike.

Appreciate your opinions,


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If you dont need the money....keep 'em...'cause the next owner would sure appreciate the bits.

BUT..if you do need the money, sell them on e-bay. SOme people are getting stupid money for their old bits on e-bay.

Post us some pictures when your done. Its great to see those old TLRs all tarted up :wall:

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