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Wrigglesworth Building Services Wednesday Evening Trials


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Dear Jim'll Fix It

I know it's only 35 years since I wrote to you last and my mother did say that I should be patient but when I asked you to fix it for me to have a ski lesson with Franz Klammer I was hoping to do it before he (and I) retired!

So Jim, here I am writing again in the hope that you can fix it for me and all the other wobbly trials riders in the district to persuade Wrigglesworth Building Services to repeat the superb summer evening series for beginners next year.

Wednesday evening arrived and instead of stress I felt nervous excitement. Is this normal - everyone else seemed very laidback? My mission this time was not just to finish but to improve on the 55 points dropped last time out. The general concensus on the night was that it was a bit tougher than the last one so a 20 point improvement this time out made me well pleased. Just like last time, Wriggy could be found in the thick of it offering encouragement and advice again at the trickiest section number 8. And yes Nathan I will try to bend the knees and not leave it all up to the bike which kind of brings us back to the skiing again! I don't know about the rest of the beginners but just getting to section 6 was a bit of a trial itself; weight on the downhill peg/ski as you traversed the slope and then trying to spot the flags through the low sun up the hill and out. Three cleans and a five thanks for the push mate!

The Wrigglesworth Building Services summer series has got to be deemed a success. New faces, new venue and for me the only regret is that I didn't do the whole series.

See you next trime Wriggy! Now where's that schnapps . . . . ?

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