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New York City Mosque.....


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I'm not sure it's actually proposed for the site of the twin towers. A radio program i was listening to suggested it was a few blocks away.

I hate all forms of terrorism and the people who support it, but the terrorists win when we respond like many did after 11/9 (9/11). I would have been far better if everyone just got on with life while rightly mourning the lost. A terrorists aims is to create terror and fear. Killing is also sometimes a goal itself but the most damage done to the USA (excluding those who lost family and friends) was to cripple large parts of the economy and create wide spread fear. I remember seeing the news at the time and people all over the USA was panic buying anything and everything they could find. Airlines nearly went out of business because Americans wouldn't fly internationally.

A Florida church, Dove World Outreach Centre, is planning a "burn the Qur'an" day on September 11 and has already outraged Muslims by planting a sign on its front lawn that reads: Islam is the Devil.

USA - land of the free, doesn't sound like it to me.

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I'm not sure it's actually proposed for the site of the twin towers. A radio program i was listening to suggested it was a few blocks away.

I hate all forms of terrorism and the people who support it, but the terrorists win when we respond like many did after 11/9 (9/11). I would have been far better if everyone just got on with life while rightly mourning the lost. A terrorists aims is to create terror and fear. Killing is also sometimes a goal itself but the most damage done to the USA (excluding those who lost family and friends) was to cripple large parts of the economy and create wide spread fear. I remember seeing the news at the time and people all over the USA was panic buying anything and everything they could find. Airlines nearly went out of business because Americans wouldn't fly internationally.

A Florida church, Dove World Outreach Centre, is planning a "burn the Qur'an" day on September 11 and has already outraged Muslims by planting a sign on its front lawn that reads: Islam is the Devil.

USA - land of the free, doesn't sound like it to me.

:o ......... Florida style christianity, all depends on one's personal levels of hypocrasy!

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:o ......... Florida style christianity, all depends on one's personal levels of hypocrasy!

Fortunatly, it was not You that directly tied your radical religious beliefs to your terriorist cause! It was not You that called for a worldwide Jehad against the west and everything they do. And it is certainly not You that tries to twist everything around to make everything someones fault in order to provide for themselves and their own intent.

You do not even need to be a religious hypocrit, they would kill your ass just the same. No difference!

It is their own religious sanctions of the radicals that has brough about this untrust. You can play the "poor white boy just getting through life" all you want, yet there remain only two sides to this equasion, and we did not create it.

I have not been given a choice of sides, but being a bit redneck, this does not bother me! If common Muslems suffer because of the actions of radicals, then so be it. Possibly they themselves will speak up a bit. That is freedom here!


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Fortunatly, it was not You that directly tied your radical religious beliefs to your terriorist cause! It was not You that called for a worldwide Jehad against the west and everything they do. And it is certainly not You that tries to twist everything around to make everything someones fault in order to provide for themselves and their own intent.

You do not even need to be a religious hypocrit, they would kill your ass just the same. No difference!

It is their own religious sanctions of the radicals that has brough about this untrust. You can play the "poor white boy just getting through life" all you want, yet there remain only two sides to this equasion, and we did not create it.

I have not been given a choice of sides, but being a bit redneck, this does not bother me! If common Muslems suffer because of the actions of radicals, then so be it. Possibly they themselves will speak up a bit. That is freedom here!


Hmm okay.... my comment was aimed at the hypocrasy of that individual church, preaching peace and love on one hand but encouraging it's congregation to hate on the other, maybe shouldn't have quoted the whole post.

I have no specific bias, I don't hate anyone individual or group, just don't bring me bad people. However I've faced terrorism directly and I've faced the bigotry and brainwashing that goes with what religion calls peace, I grew up with that crap in the west of Scotland.

Islam, to me, is what these psychopaths have labelled themselves to because the Qur'an says it can and over successive generations these people have been brainwashed to thinking that religeous nirvana comes from flying a stolen airliner into a building in New York or exploding a bus in London or blowing up a bar in Bali. "Islamic terrorism" for want of a better label, is no different to what the IRA did or the UDA did. Islam is now a global religion, this terrorism takes place on a global scale, only global events get the coverage they need to be of value. I bet they talk about our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as Western Superpower sponsored terrorism.

We talk about choices; western progress has allowed us these choices and religeous freedoms, allowing us to make what we'd call a more civilised judgement, I wouldn't call an event encouraging religeous hatred to be good judgement. The west has dealt with the threats terrorism brings as properly as it can but we'll never ever solve it.

On the basis of the topic - I do not believe they should be building a Mosque that close to Ground Zero purely because it sullies the memory of those that died, in fact any major construction on Ground Zero it'self is wrong in my mind.

My religion is trials.....don't ya loathe them scramblers ;-)

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A Florida church, Dove World Outreach Centre, is planning a "burn the Qur'an" day on September 11 and has already outraged Muslims by planting a sign on its front lawn that reads: Islam is the Devil.

USA - land of the free, doesn't sound like it to me.

:P I think this just typifies what we're discussing here:- That age-old,slippery slope which is religion--- which can slide into extremism---- which ends up in terrorism.

I can quote a much more personal U.S. Christian experience than the one above ,but I've got to tread carefully :o

So (like all religion :P ) let's talk theoretically :huh:

Let's say I'm on holiday in a quaint part of Florida, in a small town:

This blessing is S.O.P for American Christians but appears mighty weird to us Brits........Maybe a Baptist Minister(?) holds a blessing for all God's creatures which are brought to him in his parish? (sorry I'm not sure what the exact American,Christian terms would be)...and some of the parish push their luck and bring along their pet rats/snakes/lizards/scorpions/tarantulas/ant-farm etc.. :o as well as the expected dogs,cats or horses.

All get blessed in a 'gushing' (to me) service.

After the service the Minister might have given me a lift in his car just to show me around his town which he is very,very proud of.

The conversation went something like;

''Do you like these perfectly manicured front gardens?look at our clean streets,like our small shops?Our crime rate here is very low....tell me something you don't see?...that's right no n*****s!'' :o

He never batted an eye-lid.I couldn't believe what he said ,it was like being stuck in a 21Century 'Blazing Saddles' :P

Then when I suggested that bearing in mind where he came from,Jesus probably wasn't as pale/white skinned as we are, the Minister took the huff.....err...supposedly.

You've got to remind yourself that the extremist minority taints the general majority of peace lovin' religions all over the world.

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:P I think this just typifies what we're discussing here:- That age-old,slippery slope which is religion--- which can slide into extremism---- which ends up in terrorism.

I can quote a much more personal U.S. Christian experience than the one above ,but I've got to tread carefully :huh:

So (like all religion :o ) let's talk theoretically :P

Let's say I'm on holiday in a quaint part of Florida, in a small town:

This blessing is S.O.P for American Christians but appears mighty weird to us Brits........Maybe a Baptist Minister(?) holds a blessing for all God's creatures which are brought to him in his parish? (sorry I'm not sure what the exact American,Christian terms would be)...and some of the parish push their luck and bring along their pet rats/snakes/lizards/scorpions/tarantulas/ant-farm etc.. :o as well as the expected dogs,cats or horses.

All get blessed in a 'gushing' (to me) service.

After the service the Minister might have given me a lift in his car just to show me around his town which he is very,very proud of.

The conversation went something like;

''Do you like these perfectly manicured front gardens?look at our clean streets,like our small shops?Our crime rate here is very low....tell me something you don't see?...that's right no n*****s!'' :o

He never batted an eye-lid.I couldn't believe what he said ,it was like being stuck in a 21Century 'Blazing Saddles' :P

Then when I suggested that bearing in mind where he came from,Jesus probably wasn't as pale/white skinned as we are, the Minister took the huff.....err...supposedly.

You've got to remind yourself that the extremist minority taints the general majority of peace lovin' religions all over the world.

Hell, you could p--s off the Pope!, Why pick on a small town Babtist minister!

Next trip, Rome! :o

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:huh: I think this just typifies what we're discussing here:- That age-old,slippery slope which is religion--- which can slide into extremism---- which ends up in terrorism........

......You've got to remind yourself that the extremist minority taints the general majority of peace lovin' religions all over the world.

And if I continue to state the bleedin' obvious there will aways be a no shortage of prime examples.....Depraved and depressing :o

Sorry to Rockyrider for hijac.. :o ....diverting his original thread.

Here we are: This cleric is really enjoying his 15 mins of fame

..and just to balance the argument, in complete contrast, here's a very brave man---He might have a point?

Edited by HAM2
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