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Air Filter? What To Do


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hi their i have got a probllem with my air box (got a huge hole's in it) and they are quite rare an expencive so i im wondering if i could put on of these on and put one of these on would it be any good for trials becuase i see pre-65 bike with them on and by the way the bike is a tlm200.


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Monty is right about your original air box. The basic K&N filter is for a very dry climate (it will suck water) and you can not beat the proper air flow of the stock box. The funny thing is that K&N bought the concept from the inventer who was a male nurse who just had the idea of surgical gauze between a metal screen. The original filters were made in the back room of one of the oldest yamaha shops in the usa.

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There are two used TRL200 air boxes on Ebay USA right now. One for $37 and the other for $49. Will these work on your TLM 200 I wonder? The one for $49 looks to be the better deal condition-wise. He says he ships worldwide.

air box 1

air box 2

thanks but im not sure if it will fit but i could enquire to see if it could fit or be adapted. but cheers scooter.

p.s hi does anybody know if a tlr air filter will fit a honda tlm200 or if any other airbox will fit cheers


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