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U.s. National Spectators


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There was not that many at the NY Natl. It only seem like people that came with the riders and maybe about 30-50 spectators. I think the heat had a lot to do with it, and no Big city's close by. For those that did come a great time was had. And for those that did not come you missed a great trial.

I love watching the "west coast " guys and girls come and ride in the mud and hills and woods. And did I say MUD. with not a huge bolder in sight. So not a lot of stoping and hopping going on. Hard to stop and hop in Axel deep mud.

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I counted 280 at section 9 at Donner during round 10.

and I was conservitive, could have been 310.

that was when the pro's came through.

Both Saturday and Sunday had lots of people.

If people knew what they were missing that # would sky rocket, just can't get them hooked.

Lots of good pictures, but nothing like being there.

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