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nigel dabster

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Is there anyone there from the worldwide trials central team? I thought the indoor round 3 event was tonight?

Surprised at you having a go Dabster - you're well aware of the fight I've got getting info. Yup, it was tonight and the results (such as we have them) are front page. With the Indoor Championship, Trials Central can only move as fast as Octagon - which is poor at very best. Resources do not permit us to have a "worldwide trials central team" at every event. Sorry, but this is Trials, not F1 and it it just ain't possible.

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Oh no not having a go, just wondered if they had put up any info yet, as I couldn't sleep not knowing if Dougie had got the win yet. Seriously Andy, if it weren't for trials Central well what would I do? (where is the smiley with the brown nose?)

However don't worry as soon as I get the divorce, ditch the kids, and finish off the CSA (another 10 years or so) I will be there. Unfourtunately possibly technology will have completely passed me by (it nearly has), my back will be completly shot, my glasses will be like bottle bottoms, heaven only knows how the eyebrows will be, the length and style of my trousers will be back in fashion, the tank top I saved will be just like Armanis and without a doubt a*** gas will probably lead to a total airline ban, which will mean Japan overland in the Moggy pick up, but apart from that ............ I'm all yours! :wall:

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Hi all,

I find it frustrating that world trials info (official site) cannot manage to publish scores.....yet they manage to publish dialog. There's no excuses....just complacency me thinks.

And I don't believe this "be thankful for what we got" talk.



PS. Well done Andy to at least trying to keep up......

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