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Trials Popularity ?


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I'm wondering about the general popularity of trials riding at the moment. In my area it seems to have taken off quite a bit due to two local clubs and the trials they run, but what is the general popularity of trials over the piece as it were ?

I mean, has it become very popular elsewhere also, or less or even pretty much a much since days gone by ? I'm sure the onset of the T'interweb has helped !

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Depends really. We've been out and about since about 2002 and numbers vary year to year. At the Moment it's not too bad with at least 40 riders at most trials dependant on Holidays and Weather. Clubs like Ripon running easier trials can get over 100 easily. We were at the Charity Trial at Back Cowm and at 108 riders turned up. So many I missed a couple of other "Yorkies" we normally see at Trials, (Hi Ian :lol: ).

On the other foot we've "lost" the Craven club recently. The original people who ran the club moved on and they couldn't find enough members to "run" the club.

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IMHO seems to be from what i hear from other parts of the country and from competing in the local area, albeit only in Pre65 and Twinshock, that the trials clubs that are known for putting on shall i say a more Clubman orientated event are getting reasonable to good entries whereas the clubs that focus on the expert trick riders are struggling.

As in everything the market will decide and those that dont give the customer what he wants will go to the wall.

Overall dont think Trials are any more popular than in the recent past but i do notice the entry seems to be getting older so at some point as people become unable due to age etc there will be a crunch moment if something doesnt change.

Demographic time bomb is a bit of an overused phrase nowadays but Trials definately has one.

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Yorkshire centre has a thriving set of juniors at the moment. So much so that two extra clubs are putting on "Conducted courses" to cater for them. The "conversion" factor is trickier. Getting them out onto the Main course although again that seems to be getting better at the moment. As for running easier Trials, it seems to be that if a club has a Tricky hard course and a easy Main with a 50/50 course as well it seems to pull in the riders.

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Putting on three routes made a huge difference to us back in 2000, it drew riders into the sport who previously had considered trials to be too hard oftne attracting 80+ to a club trial. Since F&M in 2001, we've never really got numbers back to the same level at club trials but expect to attract around 50 riders.

Our National events are still looking healthy attracting 100+ entries, apart from the OK Supreme LDT due to be held this week which has sadly been cancelled. Now this brings me onto the main issue we face; willing club organisers.

This is an area where trials are suffering, finding new helpers is really rare, it's the same 10 to 12 people running events as it was 10 years ago. Some clubs have it even worse with the same one or two doing it. Part of the problem is attracting the Youth riders. Without youngsters we don't get the parents involved who might be prepared to help run the club. Providing trials with three or even four routes for the kids hasn't helped in this area, even at the Midland Centre Youth round we held recently it didn't attract very many.

Without the new/young blood coming into the sport over the next ten years or so, we will start to struggle to acutally stage events and this is where trials is suffering a decline more than anything.


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The popularity of riding has been on the increase here in south western British Columbia, Canada for the last five or so years. Many of the "older" folks coming back as well as enduro and mountain bike riders crossing over. I would agree though that there are new riders, but few new people stepping up to help organize and run the club and events...but we are making a little headway in that repect.

What is very interesting is the interest from female riders. For years there were only two or three riders but over the last few years there have been so many women joining the sport that we are now holding clinics catering to them.


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Replies; well depends on what you're trying to achieve, there are ample clubs in Scotland who put on trials to suit all abilities, Bon Accord in the North East, Inverness and Lochaber further afield. It's up to you where you ride but there is plenty of choice

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As far as SACU trials are concerned, it has remained steady for the last 5 years or so, according to both the issuance of competition licences and actual entries going by the returns from clubs when they pay the insurance premiums. I cannot elaborate because the information is not made public, so it would be very wrong of me to do so. The accounts of the SACU and the ACU are available for a fee through Companies House but they are not broken down to reveal such data.

It was anticipated that the "credit crunch" or recession whatever you choose to call it, would cause riders to compete "close to home" which has happened in many cases. Riders seem to prefer travelling shorter distances to events, which is fine, but it could result in venues close to large cities becoming played out over a short period of time.

The SACU Trials Championship events could be better supported and it is down to the individual clubs to "set out their stall" as to the severity of these events to help attract more riders. Combining events in the future is certainly worth considering. But again that is down to the committees of the clubs to decide what they want to do.

It is my personal opinion (see signature below for disclaimer!), that you must cater for the bulk of the entry, not primarily the riders at the very top of their game, it is the bulk of the entry that creates the numbers and fills the paddock area. More people on bikes... that is what it is all about!

Many people think it is all down to the relevant organising body (be that SACU; ACU or AMCA) that creates such issues. The respective organising body is merely representing the affiliated clubs, it is truly down to the individual clerks of courses with the backing of the club committee, to lay out an event that caters for all, not just some, of the entrants.

Most of the riders I have the pleasure of talking to at a trial will agree that they want to ride their bike on a Sunday, come home, wash the bike and their clobber and go to work on Monday morning. Taking marks off the top guys without routing a course for the lesser lights just makes for a miserable day for most and maybe a sicky on Monday morning, which is not what its all about.

That's my personal view at this time.

Big John

(Edited for spelling)

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Most of the riders I have the pleasure of talking to at a trial will agree that they want to ride their bike on a Sunday, come home, wash the bike and their clobber and go to work on Monday morning. Taking marks off the top guys without routing a course for the lesser lights just makes for a miserable day for most and maybe a sicky on Monday morning, which is not what its all about.

Not having competed in any other trials other than my two local clubs I can't comment on the severity of other clubs trials, but it's my opinion that the trials I attend are popular for that very reason you've given, in saying that, I fancy expanding myself next year, although I'll need to get myself a license to do so whistilin.gifwink.gifheh.gif

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