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Are 2 Stroke Trials Bikes Pre-Mix?


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Thanks for the info. Is it a bit of a job the pre-mixing? Or is there a standard set of equipment/measuring vials/shortcuts that everybody uses? I mix about a litre at a time now and again for the strimmer & leaf blower but it's always a bit of a mission trying to work out how 40:1 into a 1 litre container works then measuring the required oil etc, just tend to guesstimate and suffer the resultant smoke. What's the standard drill on mixing for trials bikes? Gallon at a time or do a batch the night before an outing? (I'm used to pulling in to the petrol station, filling up and riding off... spoilt :ph34r: )

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It is not much of a hassle - once you buy some form of measuring device. I have a Ratio Rite cup that can measure the amount of oil needed for various sizes of fuel containers. You have not stated what type of bike you are riding.....but if you have a modern trials bike it will probably run at a much different ratio than your string trimmer. Be very careful to keep you mixed fuel in a container that you will not confuse with the unmixed fuel!

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I use a hypodermic syringe (50ml) to measure, it's the most accurate way and you get all the oil out of it unlike a jug where some always sticks. Don't rely on the measurements on the bottle. I checked the quantity using an Ipone bottle (the one where you squeeze some up in to a small chamber)and it was 10ml out which is quite a lot if you are only putting 70ml in to 5l of petrol. Larger syringes can be found - try a vet?

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Excellent tips & charts, thanks for those. Never thought of the syringe method, sounds relatively pain free, think that's the route I'll go, great tip :) Don't have a proper trials bike yet but gradually getting the picture (ie didn't know about the pre-mix!) Another thing, looking at various pics, is that the gear lever seems way forward from the left footrest & unreachable, how do you go through the gears seamlessly?

I've got a Beta ALP at the moment, sort of trail/trial bike combo, but want to try a pukka trials bike at some point.


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Riders just tend to lift their foot off the footrest to change gear. I often ride a whole trial and only use 1st gear on the sections, it's quite rare for me to change gear in a section. The only time I tend to change gear if there's a very tight technical part followed by a big climb.

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