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Hi folks,

I have done trials competition in the 80's, (from 1981 to 1988). Then I had a "trialsbreak", while studying and working, ....

Now will strat again, do have my very first "real or bigger" Trialsbike left, a Yamaha TY 125, still there could not trade it away all the years because ther where to many good memorys together with the bike. As a real trialsplonker I could get my hands on a bultaco Sherpa 340 in pretty original condition. Both bikes I will rebuild to use at vintage trial competitions and just for playing around, (now with an age of 46 I never will get a master of trials somwhere it's not my intentetion to do so).

For the Bultaco I have to some repairs, the bike stood around 10 - 20 years in a garage, rubber parts, ... worn out bearings, ...

For the Yamaha I have to do a tune up, (myself haven' t got up in weight but the performance/power of the standard Yamaha 125 is

poor for advantage trials riding even in vintage event's IMHO), eb

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