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what "positive features" do you think they will have


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All this thing with the steering radius on the bikes brings some good points.

Seems to me the Sherco has always been short in this department, and may be still. Yet at the same time, I have found insurance in this, as there are situations with odd transitions in up and down turns when one can just pretty much slam it to the stops and still be relativly assured that it will not tuck under on you and pull the bars out your hands while in the process of spitting you on your head!

I found early on that the Evo can bite in this manner. The Scorps which have always been tight in the turns, will do the same. I had one of them early on.

Pro riders seldom ever turn, non issue! For us old gits, well?

Turning tight can be nice, but if you are bad at stationary hopping, like me, there are other little tricks. A three inch floater or little unload on the rear can get you the same result. Biggist thing being actually leaning the bike, rather than sitting there turning tight whilst verticle on the bike! :rolleyes:

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Personally, I've only seen pics of the new Ossa, but the rear facing cylinder really intrigues me from a center of gravity stand point. Looks like a super tight neat engine package. Time will tell.

Edited by Ridgrunr
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Personally, I've only seen pics of the new Ossa, but the rear facing cylinder really intrigues me from a center of gravity stand point. Looks like a super tight neat engine package. Time will tell.

Isn't rear cylinder offset by forward fuel tank so center of gravity will move lower during a ride, but not down and back as with conventional tank layout.

Maybe it will slop less out the breather tube being more vertical.

Will the tank help to keep the muck off the rad when flat out across the moors, or will it get in the way of cooling?

Very interesting frame bonding of thin tubes and castings and forgings, so pack some Araldite and leave the oxy torch at home.

Seems like we have we forgotten how much slack the Monty took for being phat. Wider stance is back in fashion but wide frame too - bring your knee pads if you ride over logs!

What is the verdict on the Torx screws? Best to stop relying on your mate carrying the right spanners in his bumbag.

Smooth suspension and smooth power so sounds ideal Clubmans bike, ...for those that swear they didn't get better results when they rode a Fantic 200 ..especially them that are old enough to have ridden one, but too old to remember.

Poor lad that Fajardo who is stuck using his hollow legs to add some exhaust pipe length to get some more grunt for the big hits.

There is absolutely no truth to the rumour that he missed Sheffield as his new gear sponsor (Burn?) cant keep up with the bills for melted trousers - groan!

Good on them for trying something different and keeping bench racers from having to shovel yet more snow.

Over to you Ishy.

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