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Firefox/ Microsoft problems


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Just allowed the usual Microsoft updates (XP) on my works computer and now Firefox is playing up big time , so much so that I'm using Google Chrome to get by.

Can't drag,copy or paste either?

A couple of friends have exactly the same symptoms as me but they're not computer literate ... :dunce: just like me.

Anyone got any experience of this?


Edited by HAM2
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Just allowed the usual Microsoft updates (XP) on my works computer and now Firefox is playing up big time , so much so that I'm using Google Chrome to get by.

Can't drag,copy or paste either?

A couple of friends have exactly the same symptoms as me but they're not computer literate ... :dunce: just like me.

Anyone got any experience of this?


All fixed (cheers anyhow)..for the minute?

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Not on XP, but after many years of being a Firefox fan I gave up on it several weeks ago as the known memory leaks it has were causing me serious problems with slowdowns/crashes. Been using Google Chrome since with zero problems.

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Aside from the browser issues, jost how many are the holdouts on XP now, if Andy is not? I only got the one at home on the Vista, rest at work are on the XP, Oh ,I did forget my l;aptop, which is also in Vists, no problems with it, bus seldome use it.

All point being, I need to buy a couple of moblie platforms to work whilst linked and driving vehicles, something small and portable like the netbooks, which I have tested and do work on XP, yet is seems the new ones are coming with some abbrieviated version of win 7, Not sure about that at all?

Size is everything at the moment it seems, and a bit bigger laptop is double the price, yet a big lug can be had more reasonable. Yet still on 7!

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