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Acu Handbook


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Mine arrived last week. Asked for a CD, got a book. Ho-hum. In retrospect, a book's probably better since I can keep it in the van to consult when I need to dispute the 100 or so lost marks separating me from the class winner :wall:

  once again , would this be ALL gassers or are we genralising a wee bit ???

and its not black its silver its the airbox thats black , see you are clearly blind no wonder you bought a beta !!!

First of all Brad, I think your Shift key is broken. And spell checker. And grammar checker since your first sentence makes no sense at all! Substitute "and" for "or" and you're getting there... :wall: And that Beta comment coming from someone who thinks that the abominations shown on "Pimp My Ride" can be translated directly to trials bikes is a bit rich! :wall:

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comment coming from someone who thinks that the abominations shown on "Pimp My Ride" can be translated directly to trials bikes is a bit rich!  :wall:

its not pimped its bling ! and it enhances the riding experience ( still get crap results mind !but surely thats not the point ) anyway must be off i've just seen a mint burberry 1973 datsun 180b for sale on ebay ... that baby is comin home to papa :wall:

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Strange Guys book or CD.

Up here in SACU country we did not get a choice whether to get a book or CD.

Motorcuycle sport is trying to become environment friendly, just think of all the trees cut down for a mountain of paper to provide an ACU handbook for every SACU competitor. Many of us would have been happy with a CD!

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IMHO - paper is amde from the trees in places like scandinavia, where for every tree chopped down three ar eplante din its place -> thus saving paper isn't that bigger deal. to save the plannet we should stop buying dogey mahogney from the rainforests.

saving paaper and thus going "save the the trees" is therefore BS IMHO

rabie :wall:

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when its a long post im normally bothered enough to cut and paste it to word for a spell check, and at home i've got a spell checker plugin added to internet exploer, but here at uni they havne't ...... :wall:

don't worry my spelling was much worse when i first came online all those years ago :wall:B):D

rabie :wall:

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for my AS levle maths it was all calculator

then again it was still f***ing impossible - the hardest subject i've ever done!!! :wall:

theoretically you could rpobalbe get into some uni's with no qualifcations, but most just want (literacy wise) a GCSE C (though im sure you can get round that :wall: )

rabie :wall:

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First time writer but thought you should know I got my CD and book last week, but what I want to know is how many of you read whats in the thing. Every time I sign on at a trial the man behind the desk is always being bombarded with questions from riders who if they took the time would find the answers in the holy ACU bible

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I haven't visited this forum for a while but I obviously caused abit of an arguament about the gas gas comment I made. Gassers are great bikes to ride! But everywhere I go round here people keep saying that they break down all the time and I have seen them breaking down all the time and often see Beta riders stopping to help. It may well just be that gas has riders are just too 'hard core'?

As for the colour it looks black to me, I am supposedly colour blind though but not too much, Has anyone ever looked into those stupid dotted circles? I saw completely different stuff to everybody else!


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