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You should, it was your son! :D

Decided to do something a bit more than just the usual poppy this year to mark the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain :)

very patriotic and nice to see a site as international as this one can remember the people who allowed us to live the lives we lead today.

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You should, it was your son! :D

Decided to do something a bit more than just the usual poppy this year to mark the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain :)

Didn't know he was still doing stuff for you - No wonder its so good :)

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Didn't know he was still doing stuff for you - No wonder its so good :)

Well he doesn't get his talent from his old fella :P

He did Marky Boy's H&D Ads and also the ones for Cowm Leisure, plus got some other bits and pieces going on :)

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Well he doesn't get his talent from his old fella :P

He did Marky Boy's H&D Ads and also the ones for Cowm Leisure, plus got some other bits and pieces going on :)

Well good!

Now mayby he can figure out how to re skin this grey back on the pages to a rich color.

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Well he doesn't get his talent from his old fella :P

He did Marky Boy's H&D Ads and also the ones for Cowm Leisure, plus got some other bits and pieces going on :)

Cool :) thanks for giving him some work. It all helps with the Uni costs

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