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iPod file structure?


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Anybody clued up on the iPod file structure?

I can play songs thru' the TV/home theatre but they're distributed all over the place. I'm looking for a file that the TV can read and spew out all the songs in a neat ordered format (e.g. by artist etc).

This chap seems to have put his finger on the problem: "I don't have any problem with transferring music to or deleting it from my Ipod. What I do have a problem with is that my car radio displays, and scrolls through, the Itunes generated file name e.g. QXRTY.mp3, which is of no use whatever. The radio also scrolls through the folders F00 thru F05 but I have no way of determining which tracks are copied to which folder and in what order. This is driving me nuts. Ideally I'd like the Itunes file name to be a recognisable name or, at least, to be able to control the content of the folders, so that I've got the equivalent of a 6 CD changer. Any ideas would be welcomed.". From: iPod file structure

I find it suspicious that there are no replies <_<.

Anybody got a clue?

Edited by TooFastTim
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Anybody clued up on the iPod file structure?

I can play songs thru' the TV/home theatre but they're distributed all over the place. I'm looking for a file that the TV can read and spew out all the songs in a neat ordered format (e.g. by artist etc). Anybody got a clue?

So you want your TV to control your Ipod! Yes, you need help man!

Personally, I have devloped a distaste for anything with an I in front of it!

Having been recently forced into the market for a new TV, I spent weeks trying to figure all this new crap our in doing the research.

Long story short, seems as still, my TV is nothing better than a big monitor the way I use it! Need a new reciever to take advantage of HD, and seems many of these even come with an Ipod interface unit, yet I have no idea just how they are controlled. I think the one I got may have it as an option, yet not for me.

At work, our cars offer an Ipod/ I phone interface controlled by the radio. I have hooked several of these up, yet other than the initial hookup, and working verification, I cannot tell you just how they work, as the next step is out the door! Just how music is selected by the toutch screen radio selections and what options is beyond me, as I do not own one to play with. Maybe I will pay more attention at some point.

Sorry, but to some extent, I have intentionally, de-teched my personal life! No 3D, No bluetooth to the TV, sorry, ain't going there, kiss my ass!

Samsung LN46C630K, Onkyo TS-XR608 will do for now. Next step BlurRey! :thumbup:

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Thank you for your considered reply Mark :P

Truth be told listening to an iPod (or any music for that matter) thru earphones is, IMO, impractical. Nor do I want to stuff the iPod into the stereo and need to go backwards and forwards to change tracks.

Be it a stereo or a TV with a home theatre system I would like to be able to plug the thing in, listen (without headphones) and be able to chage tracks remotely. The TV with home theatre system is the best option 'cause it has a whacking great monitor too.

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Thank you for your considered reply Mark :P

Truth be told listening to an iPod (or any music for that matter) thru earphones is, IMO, impractical. Nor do I want to stuff the iPod into the stereo and need to go backwards and forwards to change tracks.

Be it a stereo or a TV with a home theatre system I would like to be able to plug the thing in, listen (without headphones) and be able to chage tracks remotely. The TV with home theatre system is the best option 'cause it has a whacking great monitor too.

Here ia a good example, yet still not sure if it will supply what you realy want.

My linky here

It is optional to the newer Onkyo recievers and displays on the TV.

Edited by copemech
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