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riding in the country side


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Hi, living near sheffield means that the penines are a stones throw away. Just wondering if anyone can help here, is there any routes across them or areas on them or around that area where you can "trek across" the country side, as there is many rocky gulleys , climbs and obstacles ect, i would be happy if anyone had any info.

nath :)

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the bike has to have an mot and road tax and must be road legal, horn lights etc where applicable. You must have a license to ride the bike and be at least insured to third party standard. and you must be road legal ie wearing a helmet and fit to ride ( ie not intoxicated) when you can tick all thoae boxes you are free to explore what remains of the countries byways etc and the local TRF is the place to find out where they are.

if you ride away from a permitted route you must have the xpress permision of either the land owner or the land manager or the 'responsible person'

riding without ALL of these is an offence punishable in the courts and may lead to the immediate confiscation of your bike and or fines and or imprisonment.

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