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Work for Benefits........What?


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Congratulations for taking the first step in restoring economic world order. We can only hope this plan will make it less appealing to stay home and collect a paycheck. My hope is that this trend toward austerity and common sense will lend itself appeal here and around the world to save us all from economic collapse. A new beginning in self reliance and less government. Kudos

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Have to admit I'm all for getting some of the layabouts in this country off their backsides and back into the workplace, it's about time. HOWEVER there has to be jobs for them to get into and if we're about to start slashing jobs everywhere it craetes a bit of a conundrum. Hope it works though, fed up with us being a nanny state and people expecting something for nothing

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there is work for everyone.. if you had nothing to fall back on you'd go out and find work. last year two people rang me up out of the blue asking for work this year as unemployment rockets no one has enquired after any vacancies. I paid 8k for my 40 weeks training when i started out. no cheap loans like students get make em pay full whack they might try a bit harder and have leass time on thier hands to go around on marches.

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Have to admit I'm all for getting some of the layabouts in this country off their backsides and back into the workplace, it's about time. HOWEVER there has to be jobs for them to get into and if we're about to start slashing jobs everywhere it craetes a bit of a conundrum. Hope it works though, fed up with us being a nanny state and people expecting something for nothing

I totally agree, its OK to say get a job or you will lose your benefits, but if there are not enough jobs out there people will get desperate and this will lead to an increase in crime and civil unrest. The government needs to get this country producing again,there is no question that this country will have one of the most cheapest labour sources around. It wont be long before we will be the ones making the cheap clothing for the Chinese.The problem is as we all know this government will push ahead with a system thats going to fail, mainly because they are a bunch of idiots that think they know it all.

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Any time they bring up the work for your benefit idea the jobs that are mentioned happen to be things done by council workers.

It's not hard to imagine 1 of the accountants saying you're out of a job friday but see you monday for less money than you pay in tax which doesn't solve anything

Unfortunately no goverment seems that interested in looking after the people of their country by creating real productive jobs instead of letting them head to china

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Gentlemen, it is my understanding that these people collecting benefits will be required to do work in the public sector, I.E, lawn care, gardening, litter patrol, public service. Jobs that otherwise were performed by public servants, and only help out as subordinates. Understandably, new growth in jobs can only be achieved by investment by the private sector. This in turn must be followed by government incentives such as tax breaks to stimulate spending. This is called capitalism. Government does not, cannot, create revenue producing jobs. It can only grow government at the expense of others. This is called socialism, sharing the wealth, taking from the rich to give to the poor. We've seen this happening here more than 50 years, and maybe worse in Europe since the end of WW II. What's a Country to do? I Applaud the U.K. for taking those dramatic measures.

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