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Trials Health Risk


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Went to a trial the other day and sat in a few queues. No great problem with that except for the riders who think your not allowed to turn off your bike engine once the trial has started! A few sat with engines running in queues of 10 to 15 riders till it was their turn to ride. A rider said to me if it was a business the Health and Safety officials would of shut it down! I think if you want to top yourself exhaust gasses are quite effective!

It might be an idea if the ACU had some guidelines or rules eg; Bikes should be turned off except when riding or just prior to you riding a section.

Might save a bit of fuel as well.

Mark T

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I agree fully with you, I really dislike it when people rev their engines right in front of me and I get a mouthful of s**t... Obviously there is no problem with warming your bike up a minute or two before you ride a section, but in large queues it's overkill.


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I agree as well TImp...in fact everyone will probably agree. SO ...who are these people doing that. Luckily we never get a queue here in Hong Kong, 'cause there aint enough of us!!..but it seems a bit strange why people would want to do that to their fellow competitors/sporting buddies :ph34r:

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I find my self idling just before the section and trying to direct the flow of gasses downward with my hand. If the first bit of the section is a big wall or hillclimb I would rev 'er up 'til she cleans out a bit, but for anything less it can be a bit loaded up and it wont hurt a thing. "Ya can always wring it out a bit right before the wall of death comes up. My good buddy KK has built himself a "downspout" for his M4RT out of rubber? It may catch fire if run hard enough I would think, but anyhow the neat advantage is, it doesn't present a hazard as far as being a mankiller in a trial accident or such. This is really kind of a good idea! directing thre exhaust flow down (significantly) would be a good thing on all trials bikes, but an alloy tube poking down may be a bit dangerous if things go wrong. In the same vein (bike saftey) I have built some foam pads that protect the rider from hip damage when smacking up against the controls on the underside of the handlebars. I have smacked my thigh on the clutch perch underside so many times I am scarred for life. Why couldn't the clutch perch be padded with dense foam in a sano fashion? This would be a good thing! I have currently fabricated some crude pads out of equine saddle pad 3/4" thich neoprene type closed cell foam cut to fit and secured with grey racing tape. :ph34r: they work sweet! Seems to me like these would be a good mod to anyones trials bike. Imagine they could be built with a nice vinyl cover and velcro to close them like a crossbar pad. Have them built with bike colors and logo on it too? Bike safey gear should be considered as an avenue for bike improvement that really hasn't been explored. (sorry I just need to vent sometimes) JL

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'Duty of Care' the latest buzz phrase. Everyone has a duty of care what ever they do in work or pleasure.

When you are sat in a traffic jam do you think about the persons in the car behind sucking in your exhaust fumes? Do you turn of your engine? There is no guidance in the Highway Code. Should the Department of Transport have put guidance in?

You are in a lift, someone farts and the smell offends you. Should there lift manufactors and owners put a sign on the door with the words 'we the manufactorors and owners have a duty of care and request that you do not fart in this lift. The smell may offend others. For those of you who are offended by smells we suggesdt you take the stairs'.

MarK T - How would you police it. 5 marks lost for to much exhust fumes before entering the section plus what you lose on the sections.

10 marks lost for having a smoky bike plus lighting up a fag plus what you lose in the section.

An extra point lost for making to much smoke on a hill climb.

How do you measure the smoke. A smoke alarm at each section.

What if the ACU guidelines was that competitors must wear breathing apparatus whilst sat in a queue.

Maybe the ACU and/or clubs should buy breathing apparatus and issue them to the riders when they sign on. Non wearing of the said item will result in a 50 mark loss.

Come on get real.

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Not sure if it's a case of needing to get real, it's more just having some consideration for fellow riders. Where there's a long queue for a section, kill your engine. Fire up when the person in front of you enters the section - that'll give you time to clean out if required. OK, it can be a pain sometimes if the approach is uphill, but it's only a little bit of physical extertion to push the bike.

I'll occasionally light a fag at a section even if I'm in a queue I'll get off the bike and stand away while I smoke me gasper.

I'm not trying to be holier than thou or anything, it just seems to be common sense. Looking at it differently, what's the point in unnesessarily wasting fuel and building up heat in the engine?

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Bloody hell mate!

Are you mad?

This is why people moan about the ACU

The idea is cobblers, unenforceable and would upset loads of people - who would all go "we don't have to do that in the AMCA"

Come on do you know / remember the fallout over wearing helmets!!! - and that was a sensible suggestion

People who sit there revving their bikes, leaving them running have just got more money than sense that

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Its not about "smelly two strokes" its about a bit of common (sense and decency)

And i certainly dont think it has to be an acu rule either , maybe just a notice at the signing up shed , something along the lines of " WHEN WAITING IN A LARGE QUEUE AT SECTIONS PLEASE TURN YOUR BIKE OFF THANKS "

dont think for one minute im a rules and regs man cos i aint i just dont like been gassed ! :ph34r:

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