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What is classic trials ?


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Thats where you are going wrong,bringing in too many rules to argue over,min weight etc.We just have classes for rigid,pre unit,unit and twinshock.Simple as that.We often get 80 odd riders turn up for a days fun,some are top class riders,most just want a fun day out with no broken bones so they can go back to work on Monday.We run two routes,others locally run three,what is important is that everyone has a good day out.

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  On 12/2/2010 at 7:10 AM, jon v8 said:

Thats where you are going wrong,bringing in too many rules to argue over,min weight etc.We just have classes for rigid,pre unit,unit and twinshock.Simple as that.We often get 80 odd riders turn up for a days fun,some are top class riders,most just want a fun day out with no broken bones so they can go back to work on Monday.We run two routes,others locally run three,what is important is that everyone has a good day out.

I agree that events like you mention are popular and give everyone a good day out, but we were trying to think of ways that all modern trials could be made the same.

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  On 12/2/2010 at 12:28 PM, Pete_Scorpa3 said:

I agree that events like you mention are popular and give everyone a good day out, but we were trying to think of ways that all modern trials could be made the same.

Think youre all missing the point here.

The reason Classic Trials are gaining in popularity is because they have nothing in common with modern trials!

Stop thinking of ways to make modern trials more like Classic Trials. We are happy as it is. Let moderns go their own way like the Dinosaurs. Evolution works in many ways but a dead end street will always be a dead end street and in evolution terms will die out.

Modern trials are nothing to do with the sport of Motor Cycle Trials which has been enjoyed for nearly 80 years, in some kind of recogniseable form, so "if it aint broke dont fix it" however some things are so broke they cant be fixed.

I'd sooner tinker in the shed than go to a modern trial and it looks like i'm not on my own.

As someone said earlier, think it was Rosey, there's plenty of twinshocks and pre 65's out there many more than are currently being used. Supply is not the problem. As for the mega tricked up pre65 well i've stared long and hard at me James and i dont really see what people are on about there's nothing that "trick" about it. Most has been made by me in the shed using skills i've taught myself. Isnt that what the essence of Trials was way back then? I do the same with my twinshocks. So whats the problem? Trials riders have always spent hours working on and developing their bikes. If anything is "wrong" then perhaps it's the "modern" idea that people want to buy it not work at it. Thats society nowadays. Talk on this post has been about how a manufacturer should make this or that bike. You are the manufacturer. Put your ideas into reality and learn what works that way. Get involved with your bike, pre65 and twinshocks are like that, dont just look to buy something more akin to a fridge that you just wipe over after use. Be part of it.

"What is Classic Trials" if you have to ask you wouldnt understand the answer.


Merry Christmas

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I think this looks pretty cool,it was posted else where on this site,but it's a great example of what we are talking about here,i expect a few bods at the classic trial would have kittens if i pulled this out my van.


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  On 12/2/2010 at 1:46 PM, bilc0 said:

I think this looks pretty cool,it was posted else where on this site,but it's a great example of what we are talking about here,i expect a few bods at the classic trial would have kittens if i pulled this out my van.


Obviously dont have many rocks or steps where this came from. Ground clearence is sadly lacking and i dont get why anybody would go to all that trouble and not address that obvious shortcoming.

Actually i dont mind the bike,i've already got two kittens, but i know a Mills frame does it a lot lot better.

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My question is why is classic trials seemingly growing when modern trials isn't, is the old machinery the draw or the sections and rules ? and the name Classic trials, if you rode a modern bike or an old bike wouldn't it still be a Classic trial?

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Hi Guy's

OK skipped through what you have all written.

And what you are saying is, Bring back proper motorcycle shaped machines, that can be ridden on the road, to even go to work and back on(needed that this week) then on a Sunday, you can go out with your mates for a pleasant little competitive ride over some off-road terrain on the same bike and then even share a pint and a tale or two afterwards.

Riding a po-go stick with an extra wheel attached is not like this, firstly you have to make sure that the nearest A and E is open, then you have to find someone who can go along with you to shout and ridicule you until you fall off, or run out of time, po-go-ing.Then you have to be unpleasant to every one around you, and when the episode is over, you climb into the van, slam the door, and get nagged by your parent, or minder, all the way home. Real good fun ay. So which branch of the sport would you choose? Manufacturers will wake up when it is too late???

Regards Charlie.

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  On 12/2/2010 at 4:36 PM, ishy said:

My question is why is classic trials seemingly growing when modern trials isn't, is the old machinery the draw or the sections and rules ? and the name Classic trials, if you rode a modern bike or an old bike wouldn't it still be a Classic trial?

Scorpa kinda went this way with the TYS125, I liked the idea and bought one.......I know its was no twinshocker but what I liked was the simple aircooled four stroke engine.

When I had mine I never saw another one in local trials at all, it should have sold by the boat load......people must like spending nearly 6k on a bike that they cannot ride to it's potential.

I've always said the should have never stopped making the TY mono(again no twinshocker but in the same vain).

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  On 12/2/2010 at 4:36 PM, ishy said:

My question is why is classic trials seemingly growing when modern trials isn't, is the old machinery the draw or the sections and rules ? and the name Classic trials, if you rode a modern bike or an old bike wouldn't it still be a Classic trial?

For my 2p worth I would say as others have said before me they are worlds apart, if your average man in the street was thinking of having a go he would probably steer in the direction of the "classic" format no matter what bike he was riding. Many clubs are doing the O 50 mono thing at classic type trials etc and some in this area will cater for everyone and their dog, partly through a case of getting the numbers up. As for a modern bike in a classic trial,,, well it seems to bother a few but surely if they have their own class what does it matter. Surely bums on seats is the name of the game especially in a run of the mill club event. I must go now I have a feeling of De ja vou..... :rolleyes:

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  On 12/2/2010 at 5:40 PM, bo drinker said:

Surely bums on seats is the name of the game especially in a run of the mill club event.

A club trial is just a club trial,ofcourse you'd expect to see a mixture of bikes unless it's a classic club.

At many individual P65/TS classic Trials such as the Exmoor and dartmoor trials there is no need for support from modern bikes,if you don't get your entry in sooner enough to these 2 trials you won't be riding,thats how popular they are.

I guess the answer why Classic trial is becoming more popular,is what a few others here have already mentioned,in most cases the youngest rider is no younger than 30 which means the classic club putting the event on isn't under pressure to put anything stupid into the section,personaly i think 2 routes in any trial is more than enough.

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  On 12/2/2010 at 5:40 PM, bo drinker said:

For my 2p worth I would say as others have said before me they are worlds apart, if your average man in the street was thinking of having a go he would probably steer in the direction of the "classic" format no matter what bike he was riding.

This is more along the line I was thinking, I do think you stand a better chance of attracting the average man on the street with this type of event than pushing the "Xtrial" angle, but I don't think many would want to start by building and repairing old iron, not all are OTF's out tinkering in the garden shed, I would say the majority would sooner flash the plastic and go ride.

Nothing like a new machine to get people jazzed about riding, but they take the new machine along to an event or go see one and think I'll kill myself trying that, many posted how easy the sections looked in the vidoes of events in the eighties, me thinks many on here would struggle to do them today on a modern machine never mind the boats they rode then.

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  On 12/2/2010 at 4:36 PM, ishy said:

My question is why is classic trials seemingly growing when modern trials isn't, is the old machinery the draw or the sections and rules ? and the name Classic trials, if you rode a modern bike or an old bike wouldn't it still be a Classic trial?

No it wouldnt.

To simplify it's the whole thing the bikes, the style of sections, the no stop rules allow that style of section but most importantly it's the sort of people who ride at Classic Clubs events.

When you allow modern bikes the sections alter in severity no matter how old the rider, over 50's whatever, and no matter how much the organisers keep vowing they wont. Sadly the final nail in the coffin is the attitude of Modern riders on Modern machinery, see Charlie Prescotts posting earlier on the nail mate. I know some of the riders on Twinshocks at our Classic Clubs Trials also own and i assume ride modern bikes also but thankfully so far, by and large, they have left their "modern attitude" at home with the modern bike.

Air cooled monos are an anomaly and are currently under review. They have cost us the use of well loved venue already. I have my own views but as i said under review.

As for some people prefering to flash the plastic etc i still feel thats a factor. Everybody i know who has spilt blood, sweat and tears to build, restore, develop their bike are the kind of people that make the Classic Trials Club the one you want to be a member of.

It's about commitment. Trials is a way of life NOT just something you pick up and put down for two hours on a Sunday. Why the heck do people want to turn up 5 mins before the start and rush around as fast as possible then clear off before the rest of the entry have even finished. Then again thats another issue or is it????

Edited by Old trials fanatic
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  On 12/2/2010 at 7:46 PM, Old trials fanatic said:

No it wouldnt.

To simplify it's the whole thing the bikes, the style of sections, the no stop rules allow that style of section but most importantly it's the sort of people who ride at Classic Clubs events.

When you allow modern bikes the sections alter in severity no matter how old the rider, over 50's whatever, and no matter how much the organisers keep vowing they wont. Sadly the final nail in the coffin is the attitude of Modern riders on Modern machinery, see Charlie Prescotts posting earlier on the nail mate. I know some of the riders on Twinshocks at our Classic Clubs Trials also own and i assume ride modern bikes also but thankfully so far, by and large, they have left their "modern attitude" at home with the modern bike.

Air cooled monos are an anomaly and are currently under review. They have cost us the use of well loved venue already. I have my own views but as i said under review.

As for some people prefering to flash the plastic etc i still feel thats a factor. Everybody i know who has spilt blood, sweat and tears to build, restore, develop their bike are the kind of people that make the Classic Trials Club the one you want to be a member of.

It's about commitment. Trials is a way of life NOT just something you pick up and put down for two hours on a Sunday. Why the heck do people want to turn up 5 mins before the start and rush around as fast as possible then clear off before the rest of the entry have even finished. Then again thats another issue or is it????

Sorry I didn't know it was closed shop, invertation only, modern trials dies off due to no bugger wanting to die trying it, and classic trials die off when the current crop of riders does.

Eee tha's a sad lot.

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  On 12/2/2010 at 7:46 PM, Old trials fanatic said:

Air cooled monos are an anomaly and are currently under review. They have cost us the use of well loved venue already. I have my own views but as i said under review.

Christ ! OTF.....should it read GOM.....Grumpy Old Man by the sounds of that lot!...note to self, not to ride any 'classic' trials in Derbyshire area <_<

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