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I've bought 2 Trials bikes one from dealer and one private and they both said use Automatic Transmition Fluid in the gearbox and change it often. That said to buy 5 ltrs but what and where do I buy it from.

I've had the bikes out twice now so am I correct in changing it ever couple of outings or am I being a bit anal changing it that often.

Thanks in advance.

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Most car makers recommend ATF be changed at 30,000 miles (or more). Surely a dozen or more riding sessions between fluid changes would be OK.

I don't like to go more than about 10 hours of use, especially in the Pro that has extra parts to lube. The operating conditions and environment in a Trials engine can be more severe and moisture/grit contamination is always a consideration in such a small volume enclosure.

To take the issue to an illogical extreme, most automotive motor oil should be changed in 3-5000 miles, yet all 14 quarts in a T/F Dragster needs to be changed after 1320 feet. :D


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i've had my car for three years its done 48k and IT has only asked for its engine oil to be changed once. in the service manual gearbox oil isnt even mentioned other than viscosity and volume

i suspect that a modern oil will last several hundred hours never mind the 8 to 10 that people are suggesting. the real culprit today is the ethanol in your fuel. DONT leave fuel in your carn when you put the bike away, drain all the fuel from the tank if standing for a month or so ( it corrodes alloy) and if you have a fibrglass tank change it now..

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