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why not us


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well snow still stopping us !!! so tv it is !! when flicking around over the last few days i found the X GAMES ! with travis flying around on all sorts of stuff as we all will of seen over the years .

So my question is WHY NOT TRIALS !!! <_<

Not big enough

To good

To slow ??? indoor is a real show !!


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well snow still stopping us !!! so tv it is !! when flicking around over the last few days i found the X GAMES ! with travis flying around on all sorts of stuff as we all will of seen over the years .

So my question is WHY NOT TRIALS !!! <_<

Not big enough

To good

To slow ??? indoor is a real show !!



they have no idea how to market it? not mainstream enough? shouldn't be that hard, seems a whole lot more interesting than down hill skate boarding, I have heard all kind of answers to this questions for the past 10 years, if the NATC is not interested, wish some one would, it wont be me, I'm no politician, my guess is there is a money issue, probably some kind of buy in, just speculation on my part, if I were an importer I would be pushing for X games, I heard a while back there was one person who had tried for years (possibly an importer) but I don't know the details, I don't think this person post on TC

Edited by MotoVintage
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You have just reminded me of a recent column by JD in the TMX a few weeks back. This may answer a few of your questions. (Copied from JD's column at tmxnews.co.uk

The pros and cons of live TV Published: 03rd December 2010

This week we look at the world trials and enduro champs on telly

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