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Beta Radiator


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I have a rev 3 and the radiator is mounted on three rubbers which look to be bonded to metalwashers. But from there i dont have a clue how it is attatched. The rubbers seem to have come unstuck from the washers on both the bottom bolts, how is it meant to be and how is this rubber thing attatched to the frame and radiator, it is very difficult to see now it has collapsed.

Any advice would be helpful, and has anybody ever expeienced this before?

What new parts do i need?

This probably sounds abit stupid but I really am confused by this one.


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I've gone for the cable tie option on my '97 Techno. The bottom two mounts had no where to bolt into so I have (very neatly) put one cable tie through each of the radiator mounts (bottom left and right) and secured them to their nearest frame rail. Once the excess cable tie is trimmed off and the rad cover is back on it looks very tidy.

Cable ties and gaffa tape - the poor mans "Snap-On" tool kit :( .

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bob...I THINK the rubber mounts your on about are the same as the one on the rear silencer mount Rev3

On the rear silencer mount, this rubber thing with bolt on one end, is called the "silent block"

I will try to check tommorow, if they are the same item on the radiator, and if so I'll also try and post a picture of a new one I have in the house here.


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COOL ..now I know the real name..always thought SILENT BLOCK was a bit weird..but BOB..if you order one from a dealer..it MIGHT be usefull to say silent block since that is the name on the Beta parts diagrams.

Anyway..it might not help much..'cause its not a great picture..but here is a metalastick!!


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Plus to get the things off I  will have to remove the radiator and exhaust.

On mine, I just had to undo the 2 bolts on the front pipe - once the pipe was removed I could access both bottom bushes whilst the radiator was still in place...

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ok then, i aint sure this will be as easy as you reckon tough!

1. how do you get to the bolt on the header pipe, and what with, it looks impossible?

2. How do you get the screw out which screws into the old rubber, it is really tight, should I drill it out? I cannot get it out with a screwdriver, if i do get it out then i will replace it with allen bolts.

3. how do you then take out the old rubber thing without damaging the radiator or top mounting? is it easy to grip.

how long did this take you, i may have to do it after a trial.

are these things available to order online from BVM?

this is all probably common sense which i have ben told I lack, but HOW?


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gettin to the bolt under the header pipe is a bugger. You need to remove the radiator to get to the header pipe and remove the header pipe to get to the radiator. i managed to do it somehow to get my header pipe off. think it involved taking the down tube spar thing bolts out so they was a bit of flexibility.

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Ok, I have prised the radiator off its mounts and over the exhaust, and the bushes came out pretty easily, most difficult thing was undoing the screws, definately using alien bolts or normal bolts, might use normal bolts at the bottom so they won't collect mud. Thanks for your advice, hopefully my local dealer will have the bushes in stock, I cant remember those names very well so now i will be able to take an example with me.

Thanks everyone! :(

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bob..sorry I missed this post for a couple of days. Cant help you with advice on the header pipe either sorry...but I can say that you'll have to telephone BVM to complete an order, and the silent block, isnt on their website..so just give em a call...they usually have some in stock.

Pleased your gonna treat yer Beta to some new 'uns! :(:D

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Yep I decided to splash out, since I took the chain off and it had worn through the bolts on the rubber block and I had snapped my shark fin chain guard I thought a trip to 'Feet up' was in order.

Please don't think am some guy who does not care for his bike though, I just don't like taking complicated stuff apart, especially since I have not had this bike long and most people who don't know much about trials bikes keep saying it musty have been thrashed because I keep taking stuff apart and fiding other problems which really irritate me!

We managed to get it apart just by undoing the radiator bolts.

Thanks for your advice!

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