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Electronic Ignition for 348/349 Cota


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Make sure your engine to frame and coil and condenser grounds are clean and strong,points don't like resistance anywhere in their circuit!

How do you wash your bike? Might be worthwhile to remove the cover from the ignition and spray it out with contact cleaner after washing then allow to dry before refitting the cover.

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Hey Common guys and girls

Think about how many times those bikes have won competitions without electronic stuff. If you have a problem riding them with the bare essentials get out of twin shock. Leave it the way it is. My is fine the way it is. My 348 and 2 247's have not missed a bit in over 20 years. Think about it and the cost and the problems you may have are just not worth it. See ya


Interesting comments? Montesa has a very proud history and anybody that own's one will be well aware of that. For the record, I have seven! Bad planning on my part! Unfortunately, time moves on. The supply of old Mont parts is limited. Keeping the marque alive by improving the reliability and encouraging people to buy old Mont's because there is a source of reliable replacement parts available must be a given? Sweeping statements that any of us should "get out of twin shock" just because it doesn't fit with your view on bare essentials are inflamatory in the least? Stereotypical views are best kept down under - they can be so counter productive. Live and let should be the watch word?

Kind regards


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  • 2 months later...

HI,just wondered if there are any updates on the electronic ignition for the 349 cotas. Have the issues discussed in

this thread been sorted out? and can anyone give me a seat of the pants discription on how well it does/does not work?

I fitted electronic ignition to my ty175 and it totally transformed the bike starting/power delivery etc.

Any comments greatly appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

An update to my original question regarding the Electrex World electronic ignition kit for my 348 Cota. I purchased the kit and received it within three days via DHL. Components included a new stator, rotor, CDI unit, and plug cap. Installation was very straight forward and involved removing and discarding the original stator and rotor and installing the new stator and rotor. I used a dial gauge to set the timing at 17.5 deg BTDC, as recommended in the installation instructions. 17.5 deg BTDC is identical to the 1.8 mm ( 0.071 in)BTDC as recommended by Montesa for the 348 / 349 Cota's. With rotor at 17.5 deg BTDC it is just a matter of aligning the timing mark on the stator with the timing mark on the rotor.

A two day vintage meet the next week provided ample opportunity to test the system. Starting was a welcome benefit. What was always a three or four kick routine when cold was now a one or two kick routine and I was surprised a couple of times when the bike started on what seemed like a half kick when hot. Can't say I noticed much difference at idle, but did notice a bit more response over rocks, logs, and uphill sections.

All in all well pleased and nice to know that I don't have to worry about condensors, points, and timing.

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  • 2 years later...

A bit of a thread resurrection.

I had major problems with my 349 after installing an Electrex ignition, just would not rev out.

Looked very closely at pictures of installation on the web and noticed the timing arm on the backplate on mine was further away from the flywheel.

So experimented with a few washers behind the backplate and all is now good, 3 kicks from cold, one every time when hot.

Very very smooth bottom end.

I see Electrex now mention that you may need to space the backplate, didn't on my instructions sadly.

I don't know if it is more Mont anomalies or Electrex but at least the bike is running well now.

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Hi: I have this RM Lightning ignition in my 3 Montesa Cota 247 and can say it works quite ok.

It works with the original flywheel so doen´t change the behavior of the bike. It changes a bit the carburation so needs to tune it up a bit.

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RM Lightning is a variable timing CDI ignition, so you'll need a leaner carburation. Maybe 115 to 120 for the main jet and 30/35 for the pilot jet. At least, that's the best combination we've found for the 247's ... and the rider who had that work done was Miquel Cirera, as you can see in http://montesakingscorpion.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/aprendiendo-que-es-gerundio.html

By the way: I found this post this morning while I was looking for information about Montesas. I am not just a pilot, but also one of the owners of RM Lightning, so if the moderators want to erase this post, I understand it.

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