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We have a lot to be thankful for.


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Our British forefathers knew the dangers of big goverment. We (U.S.) are seeing now the arrogance of a big Government, hell bent on bringing it's economy and society to its knees, while espousing socialism and global warming in a compasionate way. We've lost our friends in Turkey, Lebanon, and now what appears to be Egypt, to Muslim Extremists. Our own people are freezing in hospitals, and are relying on natural gas purchases from MEXICO!, All because our president has banned off shore drilling, and natural gas exploration in the name of saving the planet, while China and India are starting up new coal fired power plants on the average, every three weeks. We have not had a new nuclear plant go online in over 25 years. God Bless America, for it is not likely ever to be the same dominant, thriving country that our brethren forefathers set it out to be in the Constitution of the United States.

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Our British forefathers knew the dangers of big goverment. We (U.S.) are seeing now the arrogance of a big Government, hell bent on bringing it's economy and society to its knees, while espousing socialism and global warming in a compasionate way. We've lost our friends in Turkey, Lebanon, and now what appears to be Egypt, to Muslim Extremists. Our own people are freezing in hospitals, and are relying on natural gas purchases from MEXICO!, All because our president has banned off shore drilling, and natural gas exploration in the name of saving the planet, while China and India are starting up new coal fired power plants on the average, every three weeks. We have not had a new nuclear plant go online in over 25 years. God Bless America, for it is not likely ever to be the same dominant, thriving country that our brethren forefathers set it out to be in the Constitution of the United States.

President Obama opens new areas to offshore drilling

By Juliet Eilperin and Anne E. Kornblut

Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, April 1, 2010

President Obama's decision, announced Wednesday, to approve new oil and gas drilling off U.S. coasts for the first time in decades reflects a high-stakes calculation by the White House: Splitting the difference on the most contentious energy issues could help secure a bipartisan climate deal this year.

In what could represent the biggest expansion of offshore energy exploration in half a century, Obama announced that he will open the door to drilling off Virginia's coast, in other parts of the mid- and south Atlantic, in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, and in waters off Alaska. At the same time, he declared off-limits the waters off the West Coast and in Alaska's Bristol Bay, canceled four scheduled lease sales in Alaska and called for more study before allowing new lease sales in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas.

What Interior Secretary Ken Salazar called "a new direction" in energy policy amounted to an offshore political gerrymander in which the administration barred drilling near states where it remains unpopular -- California and New Jersey -- and allowed it in places where it has significant support, such as Virginia and parts of Alaska and the Southeast.

Some conservative critics questioned whether the policy will have any real impact on energy production, while liberals decried the risks to the environment. But the White House's key audience -- undecided senators who will determine whether a climate bill succeeds on Capitol Hill this year -- suggested that the move had helped revive the legislation's prospects.

A string of senators, including Alaska's Mark Begich (D) and Lisa Murkowski ®, Louisiana's Mary Landrieu (D), New Hampshire's Judd Gregg ®, and Virginia Democrats Mark Warner and James Webb, praised the strategy. They have urged the administration to use a climate bill to help boost domestic energy production, through expansion of oil and gas drilling and nuclear power, and Begich and Gregg said Wednesday's announcement made them more optimistic about a deal on the bill than they have been in months.

Noting that Obama has also offered recent support for more nuclear production, Gregg said such moves show that the administration is "genuinely trying to approach the energy production issue in a multifaceted way and a realistic way, rather than listening to people on their left."

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*"dangers of big goverment."

*"arrogance of a big Government"

*"hell bent on bringing it's economy and society to its knees"

*"espousing socialism and global warming in a compasionate way"

*"We've lost our friends in Turkey, Lebanon, and now what appears to be Egypt, to Muslim Extremists."

*"our president has banned off shore drilling, and natural gas exploration in the name of saving the planet"

*"We have not had a new nuclear plant go online in over 25 years."

*"God Bless America, for it is not likely ever to be the same dominant, thriving country that our brethren forefathers set it out to be in the Constitution of the United States."

"Those were just talking points"

I rest my case.......

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