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I was a professional photographer for quite a time, if anyone has any general or basic questions or needs tips about cameras or photography, I am happy to answer them here, I am getting so much out of this forum I feel i need to put something back in ;)

Here are the four answers that everybody asks me for:

What is the best compact camera bar none?: Canon S95 (amazing results, not a lot of zoom about £250)

What is the best value SLR camera?: Nikon D3100 (incredible camera for little money £450 with 18-55 VR zoom)

What is the best Camera one would ever need?: Nikon D7000 £850 without a lens (if you need a "better" camera than this take the picture (and i bet you do not): things are going to get silly expensive very quickly)

How do I take pictures like the ones in magazines? Assuming you have an interest, (pretty much the same thing as "an eye") You do not need money or fancy gear or amazing subjects: you just need to look carefully at pictures you like; then Practice, look at the results and Practice some more. The practical advice is: Take a good long look at the 5 best pictures you have ever taken, what do you like about them? Then go and take those pictures again (as much as you can without time travel) try and improve the background, subject, think about the composition, and try to take as many good variations as seem possible, study them slowly and choose the best one, the five images you end up with will probably be somewhat better this time, take a good fresh look at the new images after a week and go and do it again, by now you probably have the first five pictures of a professional portfolio)

Edited by photoboy
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