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Tlr 200 airbox


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Hi trying to find a brand new tlr 200 airbox , but can only find a Californian model box , does any one know what the difference is between the two boxes. Iknow it must have extra emissions stuff, but I don't know how different the case,s are , can anyone help ??.

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I have what I believe to be a CA TLR200 and can make a guess at what might be different.

  • It had a rubber snorkel type thing that snapped into the top opening. I suspect it was a silencer and just pops out.
  • There is a 1/2 hole in the top which took some type of smog or breather hose. I don't remember what it was but it could also be easily plugged.
  • The crankcase breather hose has a path into the box and plugs into the metal holder for the foam filter.

The bottom of the air box also has a metal heat shield that sits over top of the mid muffler. I don't know if a standard TLR has the mid muffler. A site like bikebandit.com should have a part diagram so you could see what extras are there.

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