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2000 gasgas txt 280 brake issue


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Man i feel like a real dumb ass, I can't figure out what my brake problem is. I have a 280 and notice the front brake was really soft. I took the brake apart and notice that the pucks were not moving, froze up. I ended up getting them out and pulled the seals. Cleaned the housing out and ordered new pucks and seals. I can't get the pucks back into the housing with the new seals, without tearing the seals.

I have tried everything. Oil, a little grease, running the seals under hot water. Nothing works. I put the pucks in without the seals and everything fits and looks good. Put the seals in and pucks go in very tight, too tight. When i go get the puck in, i notice it tears the seal.

What the hell am i doing wrong?? What is the trick to getting those in. I will have to order more seals and don't want to tear the next ones. How tight should those pucks be? Can you put those in by hand or do you have to press them?


Edited by agspecialties
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I wet assemble brake seals & pistons with the same brake fluid that I will using in the system.

Some people I know use a silicon lube to assemble them.

If you have greased them or used wd40 the seals will swell up and be tight or impossible to fit.

They should be a nice smooth push in fit by hand. :thumbup:

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I had this problem once, ruined a new seal and had to buy the complete kit again.

I always lube every thing with the brake fluid and make sure the seal groove is clean, its usually the outside of the groove that you cant see that has the muck in.

I made a small L shaped scraper to get in the groove.

Make sure there are no burrs on the piston (puck) and push in with your fingers and twist a little as it goes in. ( thats the piston that you twist!)

Good luck.


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