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2006 Scorpa.


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I bought a 2006 Scorpa a few weeks ago and the carb was really blocked and would only run on choke. Not sure how long previous owner had used it like this. Anyway cleaned the carb and it ran fine. I did my first trial in 30 years on Friday and although the bike seemed crisp on the throttle and revved cleanly before entering the section, it seemed to bog and cut out when in the section after trying to open it up after having closed the throttle. It also backfired several times when trying to start it after it cut out and a couple of times when I hit the kill button as if there was unburnt fuel lurking about. The air screw is set at 2.5 turns out, the aircleaner is clean, its a new correct rating plug and the carb needle is set at position three. Anybody suffered a similar problem on a Scorpa or other bike. The fuel mix is 80:1 and 97 RON fuel. It made it a really long hard day.

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probably pointing out things you've already tried....

It sounds like it's running lean still, as if you partially unblocked the pilot, emulsion tube, incorrect float height or similar.

When a carb gets really gummed (from keeping the fuel tap "on" and not using the bike for a few years) the varnish left can be hard to shift.

Have a real close look at the orifices against a light source, often you can see its only partilally unblocked.

I would look at the pilot jet, emulsion tube (if your bike has a removable one), main jet, float height and remove the idle mixture screw and give it a blast with a compressor.

If its really bad, a long soak in carb cleaner or a trip to someone with an ultrasonic bath would do it.

Hope you get it sorted.


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To anyone else who has this problem, check your float height, mine was well out.

Now set to 23mm and a new pilot jet it runs like a dream.No more bogging, its crisp off the throttle.

It was basically just getting far to much fuel.

Dave. :thumbup:

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