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wheel base on a TLR

rock hopper

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For TLR250 wheelbase: 1315mm/51.8" according to the spec. sheet http://www.honda-trials.com/_sgg/m8_1.htm see "Page 7". There is a manual for the TL125/TLR200 as well but the TLR200 appears to be the Reflex version (and quotes an identical wheelbase to the TLR250).

When I get a chance in the next couple of days I'll measure my stock TLR200 and provide the dimensions you asked for.

I'm always suprprised there isn't a +/- on spec. sheets as is this with the rear axle in the forward or aft position in the s/a slot? or mid way ?

By the same token when I see numbers for steering castor angle e.g. 24deg.30' for the TLR250, I ask myself is that with no sag, with sag, how much sag, sag at front? sag at rear? 12 stone rider? 14 stone rider? sitting or standing ? What is the horizontal reference plane on the bike?

Does anybody know if there is a convention for these measurements?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry its taken so long. It took a while to do this as accurately as I could with basic equipment.

HEALTH WARNING: measurements were made with by marking up a timber beam parallel to the ground using a set square to reference the axles relative to the beam. The front wheel was centred as well as possible (as the wheel turns the ends of the axle move forward/back relative to the rear axle). The bike was parked wheels on ground near vertical. I'd say my WB measurement is accurate +/- 2mm?

My TLR 200 has had no frame alterations (apart from any induced through use, although it was recently a low mileage import before conversion and I only ride the easy route), the fork stanchions are in the standard position in the yokes (the top approx 6mm reduced diameter of the stanchions are proud of the top of the yoke) and I am using slightly longer than standard rear shocks 400mm vs 390mm (TLR250 length = 15 3/4" ~400mm).

The WB with the rear wheel axle in the middle of the slot is 1334mm. The slot is 42mm long and the axle diameter is 12mm so the there is +/-15mm possible variation on the WB from 1319 to 1349 mm.

The TLR200 Swinging Arm is 455mm from pivot to mid position in the slot, so the front axle to pivot distance is ~879mm (sorry, i didn't measure this directly)

I have a TLR250 Swinging Arm as well and that is also 455mm from pivot to mid position in the slot. The slot is 45mm long and the axle is 15mm diameter so the adjustment range is the same, +/- 15mm from the mid position (or 30mm from front to back depending on how you want to look at it). As best as I can measure it appears that the distance from the pivot to the front of the slot is the same on the TLR200 and the TLR250 so there could be a small difference (1.5mm) in absolute travel on account of the different axle sizes.

I was using the stop for the chain adjuster as a datum while making measurements and on both the 200 and the 250 swinging arms and found a 2mm to 3mm difference relative to the pivot from RHS to LHS on both models; something to bear in mind if you are particular about wheel alignment (assuming the frame is straight.......)

I hope this helps.

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