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Anyone got a cool trials video clip?


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An mate reckons trials cant be an extreme sport as its slow and must be boring........ baring in mind he has never seen it at all.

Does anyone have a link to a cool as F*** extreme video clip either off you tube or elsewhere that will show him how he is talking out of his fart pipe

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An mate reckons trials cant be an extreme sport as its slow and must be boring........ baring in mind he has never seen it at all.

Does anyone have a link to a cool as F*** extreme video clip either off you tube or elsewhere that will show him how he is talking out of his fart pipe

Google or 'youtube' on Julien Dupont, he's to good/crazy to be healthy...

Put him on a picknicktable somewhere, on a trialsmotorbike and tell him to come down... Nothing extreme, is it.

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In a Respect your friend is right,Trials is'nt extreme,Some aspects of Trials may of lost it's way by some people thinking it has to be Extreme to pull the people in,but it has'nt realy worked.

The red bull freestyle stuff is extreme,but even that gets boring and dull to watch.

The word Extreme these days has been well over cooked.

Jumping off a motorway bridge in front of a lorry is Extreme.

The word Extreme has become a marketing tool nothing more nothing less.

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In a Respect your friend is right,Trials is'nt extreme,Some aspects of Trials may of lost it's way by some people thinking it has to be Extreme to pull the people in,but it has'nt realy worked.

The red bull freestyle stuff is extreme,but even that gets boring and dull to watch.

The word Extreme these days has been well over cooked.

Jumping off a motorway bridge in front of a lorry is Extreme.

The word Extreme has become a marketing tool nothing more nothing less.


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