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Trials Diary

alan bechard

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18 May 04

Hmm, it is hard wrapping things up.

Still have the tent in my garage, cannot touch base with the guy to get it back too him. Need to wash the sidewalls as well.

Hanna went out and got the porta potties picked up yesterday. I need to call and get settled up with them.

The rains are keeping the stadium sections where they are at the moment. Every time it gets dry enough to get in there with the trucks and tractors to get it out, it rains again.

The newspaper reporter that I invited out got his story wrote and printed. About 2/3 of a page in the local newspaper including 2 large photo's of the kids riding. Couple of typo's, misquotes and misunderstandings, (maybe I mumbled) but all in all I thought it came out really excellent with a great positive portrayal of the sport. I will see if I can find a way to link to it or something.

Still not wrapped up all the way with money etc. Still owe some of the folks and need to wrap that stuff up.

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Nice work Al.

I've read the whole story as it's unfolded and enjoyed it very much. The press article is the sort of thing we all like to see. It's a shame that we can't get that sort of coverage from the press here in the UK too. I spend quite a lot of time in the USA through work and am amazed that trials can't get a better foot hold what with the huge growth of 4 wheelers you guy has seen recently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1 June 04

Yep, still taking care of the cleanup and sorting out.

16 May we got Doug's backyard relocated to his back yard. Had to deal with the regular stuff, flat tire on the trailer (the one he just had replaced) but it all went pretty smooth really.

Called the Porta pottie company and got a total bill, about $225 for the porta potties, Hanna is sending that in today.

Have been having fun with the sections up and being able to ride them. Spoke with the Landowner and it was OK with him if we left them up. I will need to Police them up as they start to tear down and get ragged, but it is nice to have some definition to the lines.

Wondering about doing it again next year, if we do, what would we do differently, what would we do the same?

Oh, and the guy that lent me the tent picked it up out of my garage this weekend. That is nice for it to be gone. I was very thankful to have it though I can tell you!

Edited by Alan Bechard
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