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Forestry Panel - act Now


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I've just read this on Enduro News, I've responded to DEFRA and would urge you to do the same, I'd rather spend 20mins composing an e mail to them now and go home late on a Friday than loose land access.

The Ramblers association don't like anyone (in my opinion) not just trials riders so don't expect a view but their's to be voiced on the panel.


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Done mine.

The Ramblers Association are a very strong political body, they had a lot of input in the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. They are all for access to the Countryside for themselves at the detriment of others. Send off your politley worded objection now!

Cheers Scragg

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I really do believe the Ramblers Association are very dangerous people. I think that they will only stop when they have got total control!!

Their next target will be cyclists ruining the countryside with their fast machines that creep up on walkers with stealth like ease and then horses that cause such a mess wherever they go.

It is about time an organisation was created to represent the rights of all forms of motorsport, whether it is two wheels or four, to confront these self opinionated, self righteous do gooders head on. Maybe then they won't think that they can ride rough shot over anybody that gets in their way, but it needs all the various motoring organisations to sit down together and decide a 'battle' plan against a common foe,rather than trying to get one over the next motorsport body as a form of oneupmanship only to brag, 'we are bigger and better than you '

Rant Over !!


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and then horses that cause such a mess wherever they go.

Gets my vote anyway. Yet to see a single piece of horse sh!t getting picked up from behind their erse yet, boils my p!sh so it does :wall:

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Ramblers lovley caring bunch. The very ones i guess pulled up the flags on a trial i was in some years back, result trials bike roaming all over the place and a young teenager crashed as he was lost. I caught a rambler at the Scott Trial pulling up flags so we followed him pleasantly until he grew tired of us.

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