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Plonkers are #1 in the world


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  On 8/1/2011 at 6:14 PM, City Trials said:

Are you guys AMA supported or an 'outlaw' series?

Yes Craig, We have our own AMA charter.

Now the question is, What's it going to take to get the Hollywood stars out to compete????

Now let's talk about Eddie... B)

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Trying to figure this one Ringo :unsure: if plonkers are #1 in the world and your the #1 plonker, that makes you the worlds #1 plonker.

congrats on making #1 in the world Ringo. :thumbup:

Just goes to show there is no need to beat Bou if your a plonker.

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  On 8/2/2011 at 9:30 PM, ishy said:

Trying to figure this one Ringo :unsure: if plonkers are #1 in the world and your the #1 plonker, that makes you the worlds #1 plonker.

congrats on making #1 in the world Ringo. :thumbup:

Just goes to show there is no need to beat Bou if your a plonker.

Why is it, Ish, i get the feeling you are not the first to give him the #1 sign? :thumbup:

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  On 8/3/2011 at 9:38 AM, totalshell said:

only americans could think up a law as dumb as that.. how many kids you see licking there bikes clean doh.. no brainer.. now just a 12.5 trillion dollar debt to sort out.. by borrowing another 2.5 trillion..

Hey now, we have our best people working...............Oh sod it all, You have a very good point there.

But I must amend your statement a little bit. It was not the Americans that thought up the law or think that borrowing makes debt go away, it is our idiotic lawmakers (that unfortunately we elected) that are thinking all this crap up.

Even so, I do love my county!! Not necessarily all the people in it though.

OK rant over.

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Heck, you guys got me all wrong. I've battled the AMA personally on Patrick's behalf when we were competing worldwide. I'm tired of them. Yes, I thank them for the Action Alert the AMA pushed to stop the Lead Ban, but hell, Ringo, Lane and I could've done that with their resources. Since selling my trials bike and leaving trials behind I've been riding an 'outlaw series' called the OMA Nationals. The promoter would rather stick his boot up the AMA's rump than join them. His courses are pretty brutal, too.

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