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nigel dabster

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How did you take them off in the first place, I take it you just cut them off.

I take mine off by just disconnecting the plugs and then cut the one wire leading to the thermostat out of the loom.

The sheathing can be pushed far enough back to allow you to cut it out were it is joined to the rest of the loom, this yellow wire needs to be connected to the 2 remaining yellow wires on the bike, I use a Lucar Piggy-Back Connector like this.

If you do it this way you can just plug the whole lighting loom back on the bike when needed.

Sorry if this doesn't help this time but it might on your next bike.


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which french trial you going to? is it the three day in les Chatres? guess you'll be on s1 with all that factory gear on ya bike!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

What factory gear? Aveyron 4 day 5-8 May.

Thanks chris, maplins near us so will get the piggy backs. I am thinking I can connect the yellow to front and rear and then bring back an earth to complete the circuit? Hoping the lights will be checked at the start and not every day?

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I am thinking I can connect the yellow to front and rear and then bring back an earth to complete the circuit?

Not quite sure what you mean, I presume you just what to run a single power wire to the front light and a earth wire back (and the same for the rear light aswell) so elimiating the need for the bulky wiring loom. If so yes you should be ok as far as I know to connect straight on to the yellow power wire, I'm fairly certain this wire is regulated as it runs the fan.

Are you going to put a switch on it as well or just leaving them on all the time?

Do you need a rear light or just the front and what about a brake light?

Also just adding to my last post if you can't be bothered cutting the thermostat wire out and putting a new connector on try this

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I remember Ishy brought something very similar to that for last years SSDT. We were stood in the Sherco area on Sat afternoon and he was chopping away at the existing wiring loom like a madman!

Once all the crap was out of the way, he plugged his version in and it fired up straightaway. I reckon it was a fluke miself :D

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I am sure Ishy will respond, but my bet is he was installing this wiring set on the bike.

I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that Ishy made his own mini-loom and showed it to RYP - they asked him to make some up instead of "ligging on't couch" all day long

He declined their kind offer - surprise surprise :D

I've got to say that the extra work RYP does by publishing stuff like that PDF file is a credit to them. The Sherco and USA Gas Gas sites are full of little gems like that one...

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