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Hi all,

Was just trying to fit some replacement footpegs to my Rev3

(original ones!)

After putting them in, they seemed VERY tight and would not spring up on impact. (which of course is what you want.........right!)

SO..my questions are...

Is this normal?

Do, I just wait for them to wear in?

Do I need to file down the inside of the footpeg hangers?

Do I need to keep my old BENT pegs on and give up spannering? :)

THanks in advance for any help ;)

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hee-hee..PA...doh!maybe I should've looked at the control ones too..but I just like to keep my bike original...will try looking closer at the footpeg hangers though, in case they do need a little straightening or something...but from a quick glance they looked OK :)

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I have fitted Hebo footrests to my Rev 3 they are a straight replacement and should fit without trouble.

Could it be that the pivot bolts have been overtightened on your machine and have squeezed together the mountings, if so you could try this get a 8mm bolt that is much to long and two nuts (plain not nyloc) place one nut between the bracket where the footrest goes and screw the bolt into the nut then add the second nut turn the bolt until it is through both holes and then wind the nuts out until they touch the insides of each bracket now gently tighten and they will expand the bracket but will keep the holes aligned.

If you need to buy/beg/borrow a longer bolt one that is threaded all the way down is called a set pin.

Hope this makes sense good luck.

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kinell...I thought you liked your Beta ;)

I do but she likes a bit of rough maintenance now and again :)

I usually replace the standard Beta pegs with the Hebo ones straightaway but I've left them on the new bike this time. One thing I did notice is that the 05 pegs are much wider than the 04 ones but, they still clog up with mud!!!

I'll put some Hebo's on for Scotland :)

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Coincidently, I performed the same task on my Rev 3 this weekend and had the same problem. Only I installed the wider control type pegs. Here is what I did.

I removed the peg mounting brackets. I noticed that the bottom edges where a bit nackered up enough (but not a lot mind you) just to make it difficult to slide the peg in. I filed it down quite easily with a file.

I put the peg on without the spring and found that the peg pivoted nicely up to a point. On both pegs there was a spot where the bracket rubbed up against a weld. The fix was to round off (file) a very small amount of the bracket.

Once that was done the pegs moved nicely.

One other comment. There is nothing wrong with the original Beta pegs. They worked fine for me for 3 years and took some tough pounding. It wasn't until my bike fell back from a hieght of 5 feet and the peg landed squarely on a rock that I had to change it. I might add that the peg only bent and didn't break. I was able to straighten it out and saved it as a spear.

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Thats good to hear RIck 1....so I'm not the only one with that problem...and will take your advice.

Also pleased you stuck with the originals...

I'm a bit of a stick in the mud, where thats concerned..I really like my bike to look original.

I also noticed at a world round last year that Kenichi etc were still using the original pegs on their bikes.

Maybe they have too though?

Cheers :)

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Should have included this on my earlier post but it did not happen,

when you fit your footrests take care so as not to over tighten the mounting bolts or you will once again compress the brackets I tighten them until the bolt can just about be partially rotated with thumb & finger,

ideally the bolt should not rotate in the mounting so as not to cause any wear.

If you fit Hebo rests the tube should be free to rotate on the bolt between the brackets this then evens out wear in the footrest.

The nylon ring in a nyloc nut stops the nut from undoing but if the nut is removed and replaced a number of times it wears out you then must rerplace the nut.

Usually metric nyloc nuts have a blue insert white is used on imperial.

Most nyloc nuts used on trials bikes are T- type these are not as deep as normal if you struggle to get them plenty of places supply mail order contact me if you need further info.

Nothing wrong with Beta footrests but the Hebo ones are better, I do know what you mean about retaining originality though.

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