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gear drive shaft


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hi all ive had the clutch basket off my 199A to check the seal. and notice the was some play in the shaft back. and forth is this normal? clutch oil as been getin throw to the gear box allso the crank seal plate as asmall pice missing on the outer side in the inside were the seal seats may be geting throw there ive checkt the gear shifter seal looks lick its not worn but is verry slight movment on the o ring anybody any ideas? allso i took the gear leaver shaft out to check the o ring i put it back on whent on ok i just want to know will this be ok?

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hi all ive had the clutch basket off my 199A to check the seal. and notice the was some play in the shaft back. and forth is this normal? clutch oil as been getin throw to the gear box allso the crank seal plate as asmall pice missing on the outer side in the inside were the seal seats may be geting throw there ive checkt the gear shifter seal looks lick its not worn but is verry slight movment on the o ring anybody any ideas? allso i took the gear leaver shaft out to check the o ring i put it back on whent on ok i just want to know will this be ok?

A little bit play back and forth is OK and should be. Any play to the side would be bad, when you have deassambled the oil seal you can better detect if the bearing runs "rough" or if there is any "play" to the sides which I do not belive. The bearing runs in gearbox oil there is rarly an issue there if the oil was changed reagulary.

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