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flywheel weight


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what affect does removing the flywheel weight have on a 2008 rev 3. is it easier to ride ?

Putting on the weight slows the engine spinning up and slows it from losing speed, so it takes the edge off the engine and calms it. OK if you don't need immediate pick up and fast engine braking, but less useful if you need a punch to get up a step for example. However, it makes it much harder to stall in the slow stuff or if you back off the throttle, so if you're a relative beginner like me it might help there if you stall a lot.

I had good advice when I started - if you stall a lot then firstly try a slow throttle tube, then add a flywheel weight if required. As you improve you can remove them in reverse order to help you get up steps, or double blip to get over obstacles.

Not sure about the 2008, but my 2005 benefited from some Boysen reeds with re-jetting along with the carb mods described in this forum. Not much more than

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