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No picking on the new kid!


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Just starting out in trials with my first bike a 2002 TXT pro 250. only been out on it for 10 mins and replaced fork seals, gear selector return spring, clutch cover gasket and rear sprocket.

I am convinced that my oil is looking coffee coloured but on closer inspection there doesnt seem to be any seperation ie water in the oil. The other thing is I have no idea what oil was put in it previously to benchmark the colour. This is where you all thought I would ask which oil to put in her he he - I will be putting Putoline ATF back in and flush it a couple of times but I havent yet bought it but would it soon be apparent if I had a water leak?

Living in the Settle North Yorkshire area looking for places to ride locally so if anyone has any pointers or people I should contact that would be great!


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Welcome to TC.

Any brand of ATF Dextron III will do, and it is cherry red in colour.

It does'nt sound as if you've got water in it but you should always be on the lookout for abnormalities, so change it and keep check on your coolant level and your rad overflow is not kinked or restricted, Any excess presure in the system will blow through the water pump.

Places to ride, sorry can't help with that one I'm not in your area.

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