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Ossa 250MAR rear shocks


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Last year I picked up a cheap 250MAR 1974/5 and promptly fell off first time out due to my own incompetence. I'm fairly new to trials but the Ossa definately did not react the same way as my Beta Rev3 when I went up a gentle bank. The result was much pain, blood, 8 stitches, more pain, then a very nasty hospital infection with lots more pain... and it also put me off work for 75 days....did I mention the pain?

Anyway I'm all healed now so back to the question.

Looking at the bike it appears to have been modified with shorter rear shocks fitted than standard, I hear this was a modification and standard on later bikes but I'd like to get it back to somewhere near original while making it as user friendly as possible. So which rear shocks should I fit and what length should they be? Any recommendations on make or supplier?


Cheers :beer:

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It's hard to tell from the picture but it looks like a MK2 (74/75) that has had the shock position altered to copy the MK3. The bottom shock mount is typically where the MK2 would be but the top mount for a MK2 is at the top of the frame tube where it meets the frame loop, right under the rear of the seat. The MK3 top mount is roughly where yours is. The MK3 swingarm shock mount is over the rear wheel spindle - so you have a cross between the two.

The MK3 has longer forks than the MK2 - yours are MK2.

So, either someone has modded a MK2 to almost MK3 positioning or it is a MK3 frame - identical to MK2 apart from shock mount position.

Shocks on both MK2 and 3 are the same length - 13.5" or 250mm, give or take a little.

This is a MK2


This is a MK3


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