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RIP Sir Jimmy


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A prolific fund raiser and champion of sick childrens' charities :icon_salut: . :icon_salut:

Anyone remember Louis Theroux's documentary on Sir Jimmy?

The private man and his public persona were poles apart..the original 'enigma wrapped up in a puzzle/ wrapped up in a punch in the face'.

Jim broke his ankle on a charity mountain run with the documentary cameras in his face and never dropped out of character even when he was receiving treatment at hospital.

He kept his deceased mothers bedroom perfectly preserved as a type of shrine to her memory.

Louis pulled the 'douche-bag' trick of convincing Sir Jimmy that they were off-camera when they weren't, so Jim used the opportunity to warn Louis off by telling the fable of; 'when I was a bouncer in Glasgow and used to beat people up'.

I was at a charity do once (honest)and Jim was there, after a too many drinks a few dick-heads approached Jim with the same ,bitter,line, something like; 'Why don't you auction off some of your bling..ha,ha...'etc.

He rode it off like a pro,arranged an auction, let the bids go up then bought his own bracelet back with the final bid.. I dunno if it was a 'fix' or not as Jim was involved in the wrestling scene which we all know is bogus?

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