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348 no spark


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I am new to the forum ,so hello to all.

I have 2 348s which I am rebuilding (well trying to). The first problem is that i have on spark (plug ok).The bike started and run ok last week,it was left outside for a week while garage was cleared ,now i have no spark . A slight current can be felt from metal part of plug when turned over but definately no spark. Any ideas what i should check first.

One thing I should mention ,even though i dont think its connected.When the bike was running last , ticking over slowly and about to cut out it would jump into gear.

Hope someone can help


ps a few years back i would be on my way to wakelin ward or steve goode (those in birmingham will know what i am on about0

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Hi and welcome. No spark could be a number of things. Faulty coil or condenser, kill switch or even condensation or water on the points if it rained while the bike was left outside. It is really a matter of elimination and since you have the two bikes it should not be hard to find what the problem is by swapping the bits around. Your other problem of the bike going into gear while idling is a new one on me but try this anyway. At the back of the engine there is a detent spring which has a plunger which rests against the shift drum. Undo the nut, take out the spring and stretch it slightly to put a bit more tension on the plunger. Hopefully that will sort the problem out.

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Hi and welcome. No spark could be a number of things. Faulty coil or condenser, kill switch or even condensation or water on the points if it rained while the bike was left outside. It is really a matter of elimination and since you have the two bikes it should not be hard to find what the problem is by swapping the bits around. Your other problem of the bike going into gear while idling is a new one on me but try this anyway. At the back of the engine there is a detent spring which has a plunger which rests against the shift drum. Undo the nut, take out the spring and stretch it slightly to put a bit more tension on the plunger. Hopefully that will sort the problem out.

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