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315r Kevlar Airbox Cover


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Hello All carb/tuning experts!!

I've got a Kevlar Airbox cover (Mitani) for my 315 and as its a lot loss restrictive (In theory anyway I'm guessing..) the bike will be getting more air so will be running leans thus the mixture will need richening??

If my presumption is correct how do I go about doing this?? the bike seems to run ok at the moment.

Mixture/carbs/jetting has always been a bit of dark art to me, the bikes an 04 BTW

Thanks in advance


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I'm not an expert either but why not fit it and run it? one assumes the cover is before the filter...freeing up air flow or getting more air would logically only affect high demand/revs assuming the filter doesn't slow it down. I would have thought that a bigger capacity airbox would produce better resposes through the throttle openings but a bigger hole in the filter cover with the same filter ??????????

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