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Dalesman Puch


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Howdo Guys.

Lady luck was with me twice last week. After a few months of deciding what I was going to do with my pair of Dalesmans I got stuck in. One is going to be restored to original the other is going to get developed. I had a Dalesman when a kid for schoolboy scrambling and thought it was great, in later life and now into twinshock trialling everyone I speak to says they weren't very good for trialing, engine being to peaky with no bottom end at all.

So I'm on a mission to make one work at trials.

Good luck one, a mate asked me to put some brake shoes in his Seeley, on closer inspection they are identical to the Puch moped shoes fitted to the front end (well nothing that a file and vice won't sort in thirty seconds) on further checking these are the same shoes fitted across half the Honda small bike range from C50 upwards so no shortage there.

Good luck two, I was trying to find a 9 tooth sprocket for the front and rang all the suppliers to no avail then typed 9 tooth sprocket into ebay and the first pic it showed looked exactly like the one I needed 12 spline shaft and 428 size, they wanted

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Howdo Guys.

Lady luck was with me twice last week. After a few months of deciding what I was going to do with my pair of Dalesmans I got stuck in. One is going to be restored to original the other is going to get developed. I had a Dalesman when a kid for schoolboy scrambling and thought it was great, in later life and now into twinshock trialling everyone I speak to says they weren't very good for trialing, engine being to peaky with no bottom end at all.

So I'm on a mission to make one work at trials.

Good luck one, a mate asked me to put some brake shoes in his Seeley, on closer inspection they are identical to the Puch moped shoes fitted to the front end (well nothing that a file and vice won't sort in thirty seconds) on further checking these are the same shoes fitted across half the Honda small bike range from C50 upwards so no shortage there.

Good luck two, I was trying to find a 9 tooth sprocket for the front and rang all the suppliers to no avail then typed 9 tooth sprocket into ebay and the first pic it showed looked exactly like the one I needed 12 spline shaft and 428 size, they wanted

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