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BTC Gone No Stop.


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Well BTC has gone to TSR22B,

And no minders! 2012 could be an intresting year.

So what's happening with the WTC ? Is that going the same way !!!

now its clear why Y&G wanted non-stop rules, but does the majority of club riders want it(not just Y&G CLUB)

Let all ACU trials riders have a vote and then its a fair system, not something which is imposed on them by a few

Edited by PHB
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Every club can chose as can any centre so a vote is already available.

In fact every event can be either no stop or stop depending how each club want to organise it.Get along to your club or centre metings and ask for what you want!

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As long as the no stop supporters will accept at the end of 2012 that it hasn't made a jot of dofference to entries it could be a good experiment.

I think we'll have to wait until the section plotters have done their bit first before we cast judgement on its success. What would be interesting would be to get rid of the support class routes and make every one ride the champ route.

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I think we'll have to wait until the section plotters have done their bit first before we cast judgement on its success. What would be interesting would be to get rid of the support class routes and make every one ride the champ route.

Just read a press realease on another website and apparently there will only be two routes presumable Championship and Minders :kerstsmiley:

Edited by andat
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As long as the no stop supporters will accept at the end of 2012 that it hasn't made a jot of dofference to entries it could be a good experiment.

Maybe give it a couple of seasons to properly bed in? There are only a few BTC events so that isn't many in one year to get a good idea of how things are working.

I still see the biggest problem will be riders trying to hop on the move to get better lines as this is what happened before when it was tried. Some seemed to think that as long as they were hopping they hadn't stopped... It spawned that ridiculous phrase 'dynamic movement'. They didn't accept that bouncing around was not the same as moving forwards.

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Really pleased with this, (I remember the recent past riders, like Doug and Grimbo etc were pretty dam good at it) it's much nicer to watch IMHO, the rider flows over the section, without all the faffing about stopping etc etc. If you want to see ridiculous big steps etc, then we've still got the indoor WTC and the two should be completely separate.

I'm also pleased to hear about the minders, not because I don't care about the riders safety, it just annoys the hell out of me seeing them messing with the sections, the sections should be ridden as they are, without being interfered with, by either the rider or minder. Also, without all the minders being in/around the section, maybe we might get a better view of the rider riding the sections.

Undoubtably things will be a bit hit and miss in the first year, but riders will adapt to the new rules and it will be the riders skill and intelligence that will win the day, not necessarily the one with the best minder or team. Grimbo use to ride quite a bit without a minder and was still in contention of winning, or won.

Edited by JJ65
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Maybe someone can invent a device that beeps when the front wheel stops moving. A speedo sensor could be adapated. That way the rider knows he's stopped, as do the crowd and crucially the observer does too.

The importers could supply at cost price to help promote no stop if this is their worry? :shutup:

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