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State Champ Series


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Just for the sake of discussion and comparison I thought I would throw up the recently released schedule for the upcoming year in the Texas State Champ rounds.

Yes, there are a lot of Classes, yet other than the very young on pushbikes and small wheel (Cadet), it breaks down to three lines of difficulty for the AM riders, then another three for the PM riders(which may overlap), and as we have no volunteer observers per se, many are chosen to score for the opposing group. Simple as mud! :rolleyes:

2012 Texas State Series of Observed Trials


Rounds 1-2 Feb 18-19 CTTA Austin City Park Austin, TX

Rounds 3-4 Mar 17-18 NTTA Red River M/C Park Bulcher, TX

Rounds 5-6 Apr 28-29 RCTR Texana Ranch Blackwell, TX

All 6 rounds count toward the Championship in any class.

A rider must enter and compete in at least four of six rounds in the Series, to

be eligible for any Class Champion.

AM Classes:

Cadet: Pre-teen, bicycle

Cadet SR: Pre-teen motorcycle

Rookie: beginning rider, any age

Women: any age female rider, rides Novice line

Novice: New riders, but not first timers or beginners

Vintage: riders on Vintage bikes riding the Novice line

Amateur: Seasoned and skilled morning rider

Senior AM: Amateur rider over 40 years of age

Veteran: Amateur rider over 50 years of age

Vintage EX: riders on Vintage bikes riding the Amateur line

Vintage motorcycles must be air cooled, twin shocks, no hydraulics, &

drum brakes

PM Classes:

Intermediate: Skilled riders ready to challenge the afternoon sections

Senior PM: Over 40 rider. Intermediate lines

Advanced: rides the harder Intermediate line and the softer Expert line 50/50

Sr Expert: Over 35 rider, Advanced line

Expert: Very skilled rider

Master: Extremely skilled rider


Cadet, Cadet Sr. FREE entry

Rookie, Vintage, Vintg/EX, Women $15.00 per round (No discounted fees)

Novice-Championship $30.00 per round ( see “Discounted Fees”)

Out of State Competitors $25.00 no pre-entry required

Non-Competitor $10.00 Rookie -Vintage – Women

Non-Competitor $15.00 Novice-Championship

Discounted Fees:

Pre-Entry discounts of $5.00 per round (full price entry only) apply if the

entrant pre-enters by each round’s designated pre-entry deadline.

Dependant children of a competitor ride at discounted rates (in Classes

Novice-Championship) with the purchase of a full price entry fee.

Entry fees for the first and second dependant child is $12.50 if preentered,

or $15.00 on the day of the event. Additional dependant

children ride at $7.50 per round.

ALL CLASSES are subject to gate fees and or insurance fees, per round.


The Texas State Series operates under the rules and guidelines of the

AMA/NATC. New rules implemented as a result of the 2011 NATC

Meeting will apply.

Copies of these rules are available by accessing the NATC website at


Not all rules apply, so if you have questions, please ASK.

You may email Tom Batchelor at mototrialsport@gmail.com or Don

Hubbard at hubtrials@gmail.com


All riders must use a motorcycle helmet, DOT-95, Snell-M2000, or NATC


All riders must have their Class designation, visible by the section

observer, on the front of their motorcycle. Use a number plate.

Free number plates are available from Tom Batchelor at all Series rounds.

Custom number plates are available at mototrialsport@gmail.com

Competitor’s motorcycles must have:

Operating front and rear brakes.

No broken parts, ie:ball end levers MUST be intact.

Handlebar mounted kill switch.

Front brake disc guard.

The same machine must be ridden throughout the round of the day. Riders

may not change machines for any reason.

Championship Points:

Are awarded to riders riding Cadet through Championship (except Non-

Competitors). 30 points for a 1st place finish, 25 for 2nd, 21 for 3rd, 18

for 4th, 16 for 5th, 15 for 6th, 14 for 7th, 13 for 8th, 12 for 9th, 11 for 10th,

10 for 11th, 9 for 12th, 8 for 13th, 7 for 14th, 6 for 15th, etc.

Out of state riders must declare their intention to ride for the Series


Riders serving as Trialsmasters for their host club, may seek the option of

“Averaging” for that round. The rider will receive points based on an

average of his or her round finishes, plus one Championship point, in

lieu of riding the event. This procedure may be used for one round


Edited by copemech
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Cope, what is the average turnout / event ?

Ish, Numbers are as follows:

The average number of riders at the 6 Texas State Trials Championship events in 2011 was 66. The best attended even had 82 and the least had 58. 103 different riders rode at least one State Championship event.


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