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Small chair track width?


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Hi, newbie here ........

I've been building and evolving a Honda 125 for a year now, not for competition but for getting quietly and carefully around various farms and landscapes. As a solo it's more than proved itself, but a small chair came along and I'm here to look for advice.

The bike is a CB125S frame with an XL fromt end, a CG motor and a SL tank. And quite a lot of fabrication. love the push rod powerplant which has oodles of torque and is very economical.

I've been wanting to fit a chair for along time and I spotted one on evilbay which was scaled down, and I believe originally designed for a Cub or a Franny B. The mounting's need to be 'revisited' and I'm needing some extra info to progress.

Could anyone advise me what kind of track measurement I should be aiming for with this small bike. I know on a full size bike the ACU regs say something like 850 - 1100 mm. Is there a formula? The wheel base is about 47".

I shall be new to riding an outfit and am not a speed freak. I do have experience of riding agricultural quads in very challenging terrains but that's as near as it gets!

The ruler in the first pic is a metre rule!




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As an owner and competitor of Honda 125 and 200 bikes for over 35 years I fear for the possible demise of your 8 horsepower engine. Will be too much weight for the little guy I think.

Thanks for your thoughts Mark. I'm still going to give it a go though. I know that on the Indian sub-continent these pushrod engines transport whole families plus goods plus random livestock on a daily basis combined with running on fuel of the lowest possible grade.

A 150cc conversion is an option I'm considering in the future and I do know of a homeless XL185 donk, but right now I'm hoping someone will help me out with the track.

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