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World Round Section Workers Needed..


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I'm looking for 2 guys to work my section (well, Mitch Mansker is section captain this year, so technically it's not -mine-) at the world round. 1 day each (then the other day they can observe). We train observers and you can't possibly get closer to the riders. Oh, and you can ride on the property if you're a worker AND we get you in for free..

AND I'll buy you a spotted cow!

Any interest? Know anyone who might be interested? I was hoping to find a local WI/MN guy, but thought I'd reach out to the community at large.

Les, Wes? You guys coming up from texas this year?

Any interested parties ping me here, or at bwolfe@macromedia.com or on my cell at 415-297-7468



Bentley Wolfe

Senior Support Engineer, Macromedia

Senior Escalation Engineer, Flash

Webmaster: http://www.wisconsintrials.org http://www.madisonmotorcycleclub.org http://www.megamousa.com

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Oh, and you can ride on the property if you're a worker AND we get you in for free..


So I'd be able to ride my KTM, wear my Hawaiian shirt and dingle my balls without getting tossed out?

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Not directed as much to Bwolfe, but anyone who knows... Help me with more info?

What does it cost to go get in and watch? I been wanting to go now for 3 years, I really hoped this could be the year, but you know haw it is I feel with gas skyrocketing, and I really am a tight-a***...

I personally wouldnt mind being a judge either, especially one day of what, 3? I would like to see more closer to my level, so the support classes is what I wanna see IMHO?

here's what I see, and what is holding me back...

gas from central KS- about 700 miles I bet?,

lodging for 3 days or 4?

lastly food, because you know nobody's into hambuger helper when you are staying in a motel far from home... LOL.

Lastly this... Do I really need to bother take a bike up for me? I mean, that is if I could judge for this guy, would I dare not to take one? No, im not really big on walking a *BUNCH of BUNCH*, but I have lots of practice shopping with the lil woman, she's one of those who can shop for 12 hours (without having to spend anything)...

I really think my lil buddy would love it too... (see picture here until they put up new ones...) http://www.avtatrials.com/images/BikesforSale/Josh_M1.JPG


thanks all

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I've been to both 2002 and 2004. I hope to make is again this year. The weekend pass is cheap like $30. I chose to fly into Duluth and rent a car. I didn't feel like driving 10 hours which is similar to your distance. The cost of the trip can be a cheap as you wanted depending upon hotel vs. camp, fly vs. drive, etc. For me, I treat it like a vacation, enjoy the trip, and cost is last on my list. I would highly recommend going to see the World Round. Those guys are simply incredible to see in person. Videos don't give you the full perspective.

You can find out more details at www.worldroundusa.com

Hope you make the trip!


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Oh, and you can ride on the property if you're a worker AND we get you in for free..


So I'd be able to ride my KTM, wear my Hawaiian shirt and dingle my balls without getting tossed out?

Hmmm. Somehow I think you'd get us -both- tossed out...


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