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Cota 349 (White) Ignition Spec And Coils Checking.


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I'm trying to sort a starting problem (and weak spark) on my Cota 349, white, no. 22501.

I have been through a lot of pages on the Forum and have done all the usual checks, ie., carb, crank seals, condenser under the tank, clean earth contact with the frame, eliminate the stop button, set-up with a dial gauge etc, etc.

But, I'm beat with several things:

1. How do you properly check both of the ignition coils, primary and HT. I have a good multimeter, but what exactly are the checks and what are the figures I should be getting.....especially on the primary coil on the stator? (I have a new HT coil on order)

2. There seems to be a difference in the BTDC settings between the late 348s and the 349s?????

I have got different advice from different sources as to what the proper setting is. I have it set (with a dial gauge through the plug hole)at 2.2mm BTDC. with the points gap at .4mm

What is the members' opinion on this setting?

Any advice welcome.

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Well, so far the recommendations I've got for ignition timing range from 2.1 to 3.0mm. BTDC, all on good authority. No doubt it will run anywhere in the range. If it runs well at 2.1, I can imagine it being a bit "lively" at the 3mm end of the range! It will be fun finding out. It's a pity that it entails so much stripping down each time to change it if you wanted to find a "best" setting.

I wonder has anyone tried to find a way of being able to adjust the timing from the outside without all that dismantling. It should be possible without too much serious engineering.

None of that is relevant until I get a good spark going! No joy yet on data for checking the primary coil.

I accept they don't often give trouble but my poor spark is caused by something and I have eliminated most of the usual suspects.

Apparently new primary coils are not available and rewinding is the only option. With care it should be within the do-able range for the home mechanic. Anybody know a source for good quality lacquered copper wire for rewinding? That would be sweet,hearing her fire up on your own home-wound coil!

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